Breaking Point

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A/N: 50.8K...

Guys what the utter and actual fuck

(I love you so much guys thank you!!!)

The tense atmosphere on the dining table was drowning Alexander's senses. George and Martha kept exchanging what they thought it was subtle glances. Lafayette was fiddling with the red bracelet on his right wrist and all the food on the table was practically untouched. The air felt heavy just like his eyelids and he had the urge to just stand up and hide in his room.

Why was everyone acting so shady? Did they discover Alex's secret? But how, he had been so careful, doing every effort to kept the ambient warm. What the hell happened? Was it John? God he shouldn't have told him. Now everything is going to hell. They are probably acting like this because they are thinking of a way to tell him that he's going back to the orphanage, or even worst, Nevis. Its his fault, he should've kept his mouth shut, his family hates him and all because he's a fucking idiot. Why, why, why—

"I got accepted for a student exchange program in France" Lafayette suddenly confesses.

"What?" Alex shakily asks before he can stop himself. "How long have you know?"

"A month or so" His brother says regretfully. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner.."

"Wait" He says, slowly standing up from the dark wooden chair. "You guys new? All of you!?"

"Alexandra, listen—"

"No, you listen George. I—I can't believe you guys didn't told me, I—..Lafayette is leaving..."

"I'm sorry for not telling you dear" Martha apologizes "We wanted to wait for the right moment. We know you've been going through a lot lately—"

"You don't know shit" He spats, voice full of venom. "None of you do"

He intentionally slams his bedroom door close hard enough to be heard around all the house, letting them know he's angry. Though, that's a lie.

He grabs his old lion stuffed animal and throws it against the wall, then regrets it and hugs it, curling into a ball in a corner of the dark room. Tears of anger and disappointment run down his rosy cheeks, or at least he tells himself they are from anger and disappointment. With quiet sobs, Alex starts rocking himself back and forward, trying to calm himself down.

"How could they" He sobs.

It takes at least one more hour for him to actually process that his brother is leaving.

"Just like everyone else" Alex whispers seconds before falling asleep on the cold, tear stained floor.


The next day he doesn't even bother looking at his family before leaving to school, he wants them to believe that he's actually mad at them. He can't let them see how broken he actually feels.

He's tired of hiding everything.


"Why so quiet today? Did screaming all night like the slut you are left you without voice?" Theodosia taunted him

John didn't come to school today, he's sick.

"I bet it was because she was begging for more" Beth continued.

He had gotten a D on English, his favorite subject. His grades where slipping.

"Probably like she did with King" Dolley said and everyone laughed, just like they always did.

His brother was leaving the country for god know how long.

"Such a bitch"

"A whore"

"Attention whore" Someone corrected, Alex didn't knew who, he had stopped paying attention.

Hercules was nowhere to be found either, and Maria and Sally never hang out on this area of the school.

It was all white noise to his ears already. Just the same insults that he had already heard over and over again.

He wanted to cut so, so badly.

He thought he had heard someone compare him to Taylor Swift, hah, funny right?

His family probably hates him. Just like everyone else. Everyone hates him, and it was his fault they did.

Maybe also Kim Kardashian? He wasn't sure though.

He was nothing poor little victim. A charity case for the Washingtons probably.

"Fucking freak" Oh, they're going there now.

Nothing but an easy slut. Maybe they are right, maybe he cuts because he wants the attention, like a whore.

"Probably has a raping kink" They kept laughing.

Maybe that's why the world hates him.

"That's why everyone leaves you"

Everyone has a breaking point, and this was his.

If you asked Alexander about it later, he would admit that he threw the first punch.

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