My Fault

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He was running as fast as he could towards John's house. He shouldn't have gone to Mr.King's office. He shouldn't have. He shouldn't have.

Alexander knocked the door a little fearfully, what did Mr.King wanted with him? Couldn't he just give Alex detention? What a weird teacher.

"Come in, it's open"

He stepped in and shyly looked a the man. He was quite intimidating sometimes.

"Oh, Ms.Hamilton, good to see you are here, sit down and close the door behind you dear" He said, a smirk suddenly appearing in his face.

Alex knocked at the door desperately. He was sweating cold and his whole body was shaking. All of this was a mistake. A horrible mistake.

He sat down on the chair as Mr.King stood up, walking behind him.

"Mr.King I swear what happened yesterday was a mere misunderstanding, it was an accident that I entered the boys bathroom"

John opened the door clearly annoyed, but his eyes automatically softened when he saw Alexander's afraid eyes.

"Lex? What's wrong? Where were you after school? Is everything alright??"

"Don't worry Ms.Hamilton, you don't need to make excuses I know exactly what you were looking for yesterday"


"Where are going to have a little fun today, ok?"

"Mr.King what are you talking about?" He was already shaking in fear. What the hell was going on?

Alex threw himself into John's arms and sobbed in his chest. He could still feel it. His gross, hot breath behind his ear, his hands, his fucking voice. This had to be a nightmare, a fucking nightmare.

"Hey, hey" John wrapped his arms protectively around his small frame. "Everything is ok don't worry. Just breath Alexander, breathe."

What are you doing jackass!? Get off me!"

"No, get off I don't want to!"

"This is a misunderstanding please let me go!"

Alexander took the lamp in the desk in his hands and slammed it on King's head before anything could go any further. And then he ran. He ran until his feet hurt. He ran all the way to John's house because that's the only person he would bare to see.

The shorter boy shook his head no. Nothing was ok. And it was his fault for being stupid. Everything was his fault.

"Alex, dear, talk to me. What happened?"

"Mr.King tried to rape me"

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