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The night was painfully long and as the morning approached with no sign of her parents consent,  Naina readied herself to leave this place and her parents for next 2 years.  After that maybe they could forgive her and understand why she was doing all this. Just to prove her brother innocent,  was it such a big and complicated motive that no one could understand. The clock on the wall chimed and made everyone aware that it was time for Naina to leave.
Her parents were conflicted if they should let their daughter go with their permission or stay inside their room and wait for her to stop. The latter one was next to impossible because they knew their daughter well,  she was stubborn as hell. But still there was hope.
This hope was crushed and died as soon they heard the main door close,  marking their daughter's departure. Her stubbornness got best of her and she left without even meeting her parents.
Naina felt a tear slide as she took first step. But she decided to stay strong and proceed in this journey of justice and revenge,  with or without anyone. As she went away from her home, her tears were becoming less,  and now she only had a heavy heart and red puffy eyes. She couldn't help but feel stares from a few people around her,  probably everyone wanted to guess what happened with her but thankfully no one approached her,  even if they wanted to.
She boarded the bus and took the window seat. Looking out of the window,  she felt the turmoil of emotions going inside her mind, sadness to leave her parents, excitement for the new place, happiness that she was a step nearer to justice for her brother, and a little bit of fear. Fear for what was going to happen. Would she end up like her brother? 
The bus started with a jerk, enough to make her aware of her surroundings. She took out her small mirror, and tried to look at least decent. After all she didn't want to scare anyone or attract any more attention than she already had.
Suddenly, a person sat beside her. Judging by his heavy breathing, he must have ran to catch the bus. Not being a social person, Naina ignored that person and tried to kept 4th he mirror back in her little purse, when the driver of bus decided to apply sudden breaks causing a major jerk. How could this old bus endure all these jerks still wasn't clear. But this jerk caused her mirror to fall on her right, that was under that person's seat. She obviously couldn't bend and pick up the mirror, that would really result in an awkward position with this unknown man.  That left with only one option, that was to request him to pick up the mirror.
"Excuse me, can you please pick up the mirror? " she tapped on his should as he was facing other side. She couldn't believe her eyes when the person turned towards her. The man, in front of her, was a Greek god himself. Till now, Naina never cared for boys, or anything related to them but now she found herself drawn to him,  a stranger?
She stopped her heart from wandering in unknown lands of emotions, mainly attraction. For god sake he was a total stranger and he could be married. Instantly, at this thought her eyes wandered to his hand which had a ring on index finger, not on ring finger, that clearly meant that he was not married. But did it matter?  Naina asked herself, and forced herself to say NO.
"Sure. "
He picked up the mirror and handed it to her. Their fingers brushed and sparks flew. Both chose to ignore them, when their eyes met. Naina quickly turned away and tried to brush the feeling off. She closed her eyes,  but could feel someone staring at her face. But soon that feeling too subsided as she surrendered herself to sleep and embraced darkness.

Soon, Naina found herself standing in front of academy's gate. With the duffle bag in one hand she entered the gates, sealing her future in army from then.

As soon as she took first step, a boy came running from somewhere and pushed her down, causing her clothes to get dirty. "What the hell are you trying to do? " Naina pushed him away from herself and stood up,  brushing off the dirt.
"World calls me Amardeep, but a beautiful lady like you can call me,  Huda." he extended his hand,  as nothing has happened.
"Jerk, Asshole or Bastard, will work for me. No need for any other name. " Naina smiled, showing her irritation and walked away. But not before hearing that Jerk's mumbling, "Huda will make you fall for him."
That Arrogant Jerk.
First day,  actually first minute she steps in academy and something like this happens. God know what was gonna happen next.

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