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I know all of you are too excited to see... Actually read about Rajveer than reading this note... So go ahead, I am not gonna stop you, because I am also excited to write about this.
Tomorrow I have an exam, and I was supposed to write this chapter tomorrow but I couldn't stop myself.... So here it is, before time.... 😘

As Cadets talked among themselves about a girl, who took the punishment to save her team. Some were saying it was a brave act but some were thinking it as stupidity. Captain Rajveer couldn't help himself when he heard about a cadet hanging on the tree. He was well aware of the punishments as he himself was an ex-cadet. He rushed to the ground, to see which cadet was so stupid to do such a thing.

Seeing Cadet Naina Ah Singh, hanging upside down, he was reminded of his best friend, Naveen, who once took this punishment to save his friends. He was stupid as well, just like this girl. Captain rushed towards Naina, but couldn't save her from drifting to unconsiousness. He knew that he couldn't end the punishment without the orders of a senior,but at that moment saving a life seemed more important than any order. 
With a lot of tries and expertise he was finally able to bring down Naina. Her unconscious body was lying on ground, and even the shouts of Captain couldn't wake her up.

Nothing else could be done. She was not going to wake up, and she had to be taken to infirmary at instant. That left with only one option, Captain Rajveer had to carry his Cadet to infirmary, in front of whole academy. That seemed a little awkward but it was the need of the moment. Without wasting a moment, Rajveer picked up Naina bridal style and took her to infirmary to Dr. Shalini.
Everyone was shocked to see the cadet unconscious because of a punishment. The way was cleared so that Captain could take Naina without any delay.
"Dr. Shalini, your help is really needed right now." Captain said as soon as he kicked the door open, shocking Dr.Shalini. She was shocked to see a cadet, needing medical help on her first day. That was rare. First days were supposed to be light exercise, nothing that a cadet can't handle.
As soon as Naina was laid on the bed Dr. Shalini started to work. Checking her pulse, her Blood Pressure and everything which was required. Seeing the marks of rope legs and hands, she understood that this was not a result of any exercise or any drill, but a sadistic punishment. She never understood that why such harsh punishments were given, even on first day.
"Major Nair, I don't know what is his problem. He gave this new cadet a punishment that is usually given to 2nd year students. Do you think she is all right? " he asked with a bit of concern.
"Yes, she all right. Maybe from all exhaustion she passed out, but if she takes proper rest, she is going to be okay. Nothing to worry. But I think I should talk to Brigadier. If such punishments are given to cadets on their first day, I don't think anyone is gonna survive here. " Dr. Shalini said, but more to herself. It was her duty to see that every cadet is fit and healthy. And she had to make sure of that.

"I should take her back. " Rajveer said coming towards Naina. "Captain, Don't you think, you are in a bit hurry to pick her up?  I mean, relax, I won't call anyone else to do the honours of picking her up. But please let me check her. Then happily you can fulfill your dreams.... " she at added a dreamy sigh, making sure that her teasing irritated Rajveer.
"Shalini, she is my cadet. Can't you refrain yourself from talking nonsense for a moment? " Rajveer was irritated, just like their KMA days. Shalini and Rajveer used to be good friends when they were in KMA, but after completing the course, Rajveer was posted somewhere and Shalini went to pursue her dream of becoming army doctor. But that didn't change Shalini at all. She was still her happy and bubbly self, who enjoyed to tease Rajveer.
Again, picking up Naina, the bridal style, just like he brought her here, he walked towards girl's hostel.
In the canteen, by now everyone knew what happened to Naina, who took the punishment to save her team. Pooja and Ali were very worried and a little guilty. Because they thought that they could have saved Naina, if they supported her, and just ran a few laps. Aalekh, although maintained a cold demaneur outside, was a little bit worried about that girl. He wasn't a person who cared about some unknown person but this girl, talked to him, even knowing who he was. He knew that Naina was well aware he was a prisoner, because he did see him outside Brigadier's office. And also, this girl saved him.
Huda was a little bit guilty and still was trying to figure out that whether his prank went too far. But Dhara assured him that there was nothing to be guilty about. This all was just an innocent prank, but Naina was weak that she couldn't endure it. This was the only thing Huda wanted to hear and all his doubts and guilt flew out of the window.
Yudi, unaware of all what was happening was trying to enjoy the tasteless canteen food.

Rajveer, with permission of Miss. Lolita took Naina to her room. He never knew that Ms. Lolita's glare could be so frightening. Even though he was a teacher right now, he was not unaffected by it. After putting Naina on bed he waited for a few seconds, he didn't know why, but he just stood there watching Naina sleep. His brain screamed Creep but he couldn't move, until something in her fist came into his notice.
There was a small piece of paper in her fist with a message from a well wisher, as the person claimed. Rajveer couldn't understand why such message would be with Naina, was there something which she was hiding?
He took the paper with him, when Naina moved a little, causing the thin mattress to move a little, to reveal a photograph.
Rajveer was a great soldier, who was well aware of every little detail of his surroundings. The paper seemed to be the backside of a photograph with a stamp of Aakash Photo Studio and year 1998.
Before he could do anything, or see the photo Cadet Pooja decided to enter the room.
Pooja had seen Captain Rajveer carrying Naina in the academy and was too excited to see that Naina was alright in the arms of her Teacher Crush. She was just a hopeless romantic who tried to find her Rahul and romance everywhere.
"Take care of Naina.. I mean Cadet Singh. Understood Cadet Ghai? " Rajveer said in a strict tone.
"Yes, Sir. I will make sure that her network is clear by evening and all outgoing and incoming calls are answered." Pooja answered in one breath.
Although Rajveer failed to understand whatever she said, but the Yes, she said in the starting of her speech was enough to him to ensure that the cadet will take care of Naina.

After few hours, Naina came back to conscious and was confused to see herself in her own room. "Captain Rajveer brought you in here, you know, just like a hero, in his arms. " Pooja answered seeing confusion in Naina's eyes.
Naina didn't say anything but was confused that why a teacher would help her. She knew that Captain was the only person here who suspected her and she highly doubted that he would try to find out about her.
She needed some answers and even though the lights were out, and she was not allowed to go out of her room, she decided to go to Captain Rajveer's room to thank him and to get some answers. Why did he save her?

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