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"Suri ji please return the watch, it's an important part of evidence, I can't hand it over to anyone. That reminds me, how did you get it in first place?" Aalekh was given a huge responsibility, to protect all Ritu's belongings until they could be safely handed over to the  government officials. "Cadet Aalekh, I found it lying over here, you should have been more careful with it. I really want to know what happens when I press this red button, let's do it." Aalekh felt like the teacher in this situation, maintaining his calm self was becoming more difficult as Suri ji failed to understand the simple logic. NEVER TOUCH ANYTHING RED.

"I am going to take this watch with me and please in future refrain yourself from touching anything that is a combination of color red and suspicion. Those things could never bring anything good." Aalekh, himself didn't know about that button, but at least knew that it was something that needed to be reported to Captain Rajveer at the instant. Taking the watch from Suri ji, he ran to find Rajveer because one thing he had learnt from life was that anything thing can happen at any moment. The watch was missing when Aalekh transferred the whole lot of evidences from Ritu's room to his, so that no one could doubt , but neither he nor anyone thought that watch could be of such a great importance.

"I know what happened. You need not to remind me of that. And whatever I do is my concern please do not interfere." Saanjh's voice was a little faint, but Huda identified it instantly. It was no surprise that the source of sounds of arguing was Brigadier's room. Soon, Saanjh stormed out of the office and went in opposite direction in which Huda was standing, without noticing him. Huda couldn't stop his legs from moving towards where she went.

Darkness hides the tears, red eyes, trembling lips, the sadness spread across someone's face but it cant hide the emotions. Darkness is like a cloak, hiding everything for sometime and srom some people, who choose to overlook it, but can it hide something from the person who is searching for the truth in black. The darkness of the classroom hid Saanjh from everyone except Huda, who denied to give up.

"I hate both, tears and darkness but you seem to be good friends with them." Huda made his presence known with this poor attempt to joke. "Please go away." Saanjh didn't care if right now it seemed like she was pleading, she just wanted to be alone. "Nah... I want to meet your friends, maybe I could befriend them as well. Then they wont frighten me. What you think?"

"I think you are a mad person who cant leave anyone alone. Always trying to meddle with their business, thinking you are king of somewhere, full of yourself. And above all you think you can do something to help me out. You think you can bring my brother back?" Saanjh, herself didn't know when and how her patience gave up, she blurted out whatever came to her mind, and even some stuff that she didn't think of telling him.  "I am ready to ignore all of what you said if you tell me what happened to your brother.." Huda didn't want to sound demanding or ordering her but he knew that if continues to be friendly then Saanjh would again keep everything inside her, and suffer all pain. Sometimes strict tone is necessary for betterment of the person, himself.

"My mom and dad, they say that they will allow us to decide for ourselves but when we did, they tried everything in their power to change it. My little brother decided that he wanted to pursue his dream, he wanted to become a soldier like my uncle. A proud soldier of a proud nation. But my parents didn't want him to, they said that there is a lot of life risk in this profession. My uncle supported my brother, he went against our parents, fought against them till he could but in the end he was our uncle and they were our parents. They finally succeeded in making him join some college of their own choice, forcing him into their choice of life, forcing to live their dream." Saanjh, wiping some of her tears stood up from her seat, walking to another one, continuously playing with hem of her long top.

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