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Naina watched as the next teacher stepped forward. This was going to be a long day with so many teachers and students to introduce themselves. Whoever suggested would be out of his mind, she thought while resting her chin on right hand and drumming her finger tips on the table. Nobody seemed to notice as a young teacher started her introduction, and boys couldn't help but drool over her. Naina rolled her eyes, she was their teacher,  at least she deserved some respect.
Look who is talking....
Her conscience jumped in the exact moment she wanted to forget about it.
"Hello to everyone, I am Dr.Ritu Misha, your psychologist. I am here to monitor that you all become a soldier but only physically but mentally as well. If you need a friend to talk to feel free to find me. " she seemed pretty friendly but by the looks of the boys, everyone knew there was going to be a long line in front of her room.

Next teacher was kind of too excited for her own good. Dr. Mishra wasn't even seated when she kind of jumped, too excited to introduce herself to all new cadets. "I am Dr. Shalini, and am head of infirmary. Like Dr.Ritu I can't tell you to visit me, but feel free to come around and that too without a broken rib, leg, hand or any other broken body part." chuckling at her own joke she went away and then came the classic serious teacher. A teacher which every school or college has. A teacher who doesn't have any aim in his life other than ruining student's life.
"I am the vice principal of KMA and I demand respect and discipline. Anyone who fails to obey me will regret his or her decision. I am Major Nair." his little speech was enough to tell everyone that he was not a person to be messed with.And the way he spoke 'her' it was clear that he hated the whole female population. And they were going to be in worse situation than boys. Naina knew that he was just like the Brigadier who thought that girls are not capable of being in army. She just couldn't understand what was their problem with girls, but it was not like she cared. Let them hate girls all they want but Naina didn't want to distract herself from her mission. And first step of mission is to know your enemy and the ground you are standing on. These all people are going to be the ones who will around her for next two years and she needed to know all of them like back of hand, that is if she wanted to succeed and get out of here without creating any doubt or suspicion about her true identity.
Next introductions were short. Ms.Lolita Sen came and introduced herself as warden of girls hostel and next came a friendly and excited person, who introduced himself as Siri ji and head of canteen. He was also the oldest member of KMA. Naina made a mental note to talk to him later as he might know something useful, because he was the only person other than Lucifer who was part of this institution during his brother's batch.
Teachers were done, and now was time of student's introduction.
Jerk made his way through the desks and stood in front of everyone, and started speaking in an arrogant tone, "I am Amardeep Huda but my friends and beautiful girls call me Huda. I am here just because I lost a bet with my mother and I thought it was going to be boring but some recent encounters had made me change my thinking. I might enjoy it here. " he smirked looking at Naina, who looked she was going to kill him.
"Hye,I am Yaduvanssh Sahni, but you can call me Yudi. And I am here just because I wanna prove everyone that I can do something on my own not because of my parents. " another cadet finished his speech. Cadet's speeches were shorter than that of teachers. Seeing confusion in Naina's eyes, Ali whispered "He is son of the canteen contractor. And they are pretty rich." she just nodded and saw a girl going up this time.
"My sim card name is Pooja Ghai. And I attached my network to KMA just because I wanted to find my oppretor." she just sighed as she was remembering something, while everyone was confused but no one said anything.
"I am Aalekh." the next one seemed familiar to Naina. She remembered him in white dress with black stripes, a uniform of prisoner. "Care to tell us more?" Brigadier just wanted everything to go right. He wanted everyone to properly introduce themselves but Aalekh just glared at him, rolled his eyes and went to take his seat.
"I am Ali Beigh and today I am standing here because I want to fulfill my father's and mine dream of being an army officer." Naina nearly failed to noticed when her sitting partner reached the front of class and introduced himself.
Next turn was of Naina, her turn to create a web of lies around KMA. But could she create that web without messing it up or getting caught in it herself ?

Author's Note
Sorry to disappoint if you are sad to read only introductions over here but I thought it was important. Anyways, I will try to spice up the story in future.... Please stay with me... 😊😊😊

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