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"Don't say anything just get out of here." Naveen was hurt. After returning from their mission, he went straight to his room in the farmhouse. There, he wanted to sit in isolation just like he did last night. The previous night, Rajveer called Shalini to inform her that he could be the duplicate of himself, although Rajveer didn't believe the news. Rajveer clearly asked Shalini to stay alert but not do anything because he was almost sure that this was original Naveen. But Shalini, after midnight when Naveen went to talk to her, asked him directly. Asked, was a better word. From where Naveen stood, it was an accusation. He was hurt. He was happy that Rajveer and Naina trusted him, even if they tested him, but they didn't question him. But Shalini accused him of being a duplicate without any proof.
"Naveen, just listen to me. Just once." Shalini was on the verge of tears. It has been one whole day and one full night Naveen didn't talk to her. Even when she tried to talk to him, he simply ignored her. She knew that he was unhappy and she was the reason of it. "Naveen, come out of there. You can't ignore me forever." opening the door a little, Naveen peeped out of it just to say, "I can." with a bang the door was closed again.

"I am sorry. I was hurt." she knew Naveen was listening. "Hurt? I think I am supposed to be the one who is hurt, not you. How can you be hurt?" he opened the door this time. "Hurt, maybe a wrong word. I was scared to lose you again. Just the thought of you not being Naveen scared me." "Why Shalini?" Naveen asked with such an intensity, looking at her that she almost told her secret. The secret she had kept hidden for so long. "I..." Shalini wasn't able to say anything.

Silence is always misunderstood. Also sometimes silence can worsen the things. And that's what it did this time. "That's what I thought. You don't trust me. Don't worry I will be leaving soon." Naveen misunderstood Shalini's silence for her mistrust. She wanted to stop him, at any cost. And, before she could think she paid the cost. This time it was her secret. "Stop Naveen. You don't have to go anywhere. Stop."

"Why Shalini? Why should I stop when no one here trusts me? Why?"

"Because I love you dammit." Shalini was shocked that she said it aloud. Even if she wanted to believe that this all was only a conversation cooking up in her head, she couldn't, not after seeing Naveen's shocked face. "Since when?" he asked slowly. There was no point in hiding now, so she answered it looking down, "Since our KMA days, since we became best friends. Since you stood by my side, since you promised to be there for me forever." she was feeling guilty, like she just committed a crime. She was here announcing her feelings to a person, who is her best friend and nothing more than that, even if she wanted him to be.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Naveen was asking questions after questions, making Shalini sure that he only wanted to be his bestfriend. "Because you were in love with that Ritu." "I mean, during my stay here. You could have." he didn't understand why she chose to be silent. "Because it is not as simple as it seems. My life is too much complicated. I don't want you to get involved and ruin yours. Just forget I said anything." she shook her head a little, as some dark memory passed in front of her eyes. One lone tear escaped her right eye. Naveen touched Shalini's cheek, wiping the tear and said, "We can make that complication simpler. I promised to stay by your side and I will. Please tell me what it is and we both, together will fight it. Shalini I..."

"Naveen, don't say anything after that. My life is not something I would like to discuss. It is just a dark night, in which I am trying to survive with the starlight. So let me be as I am. Don't do anything."

"I want to know Shalini. What is it?" "Someday Naveen... someday you will but that Someday isn't today." smiling sadly she wiped her tears, and put on a great smile, just like she did all previous years. "But now let's go and have dinner, shall we?" Naveen was shocked to see such a drastic change in her mood, it was like she was used to these fake smiles and fake masks. He nodded slightly, but at the same time promised himself that he will change Shalini's night into bright days, no matter what. "But where are we going?" he asked, changing his demeanour, just like Shalini.

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