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Next morning came earlier for Naina, because she dreaded it. She knew that Captain Rajveer would have found the cadets and they all would be blaming her. She knew somewhere it was her fault too, she gave in too easily. She should have stopped talking, sealed her lips, acted like she was sleeping. But how could have she done that, she didn't know Captain was coming in her room. Scratching the last possible thing she could do off the list, she decided to walk in the canteen and sit on her usual table.

"Hye guys" she said slowly, just waiting for everyone's reaction. Huda, Yudi and Pooja stared at her, maybe still unable to decide what to do. They couldn't decide whether to shout at her for giving away their secret or ignore her completely. At the same moment the chose the latter one. Three of them stood up as soon as Naina sat and looked at Ali and Aalekh, waiting for them to do the same. After some seconds of waiting, they realized that they were not going to leave Naina. Pooja tried to force Ali with her glare but he didn't move a inch.

Captain Rajveer was currently standing with a cup of coffee in hand, watching a group of 6 cadets splitting into two. He saw them as future great soldiers, not just any cadets. They all had a motive, and were dedicated to that. Even though they don't realize that yet, but as a teacher and mentor he could sense it. Together they could achieve what no one ever had, but if they split like this, just because some misunderstanding and trusting issues then how can they become soldiers.  This was something Rajveer decided to amend in his class.

Naina looked towards Ali and Aalekh, she was surprised they didn't leave her side. "I know what we did was wrong and we were supposed to be caught some time. It is good that Captain sir caught us or else Brigadier would have expelled us. Thank you Naina, because of you we are right now safely eating breakfast in KMA." Ali just smiled, telling her that he was smarter than all her friends. He knew about the consequences of being caught by someone else than Captain. Aalekh was confused when Ali and Naina stared at him, maybe for some kind of explanation for sitting over here. Truth was, he believed Naina couldn't do anything that would prove wrong for her friends. And he sensed that she considered them friends except Huda, he or anyone never understood what was the problem between them. But they both were always fighting, but, thankfully their fights were becoming friendlier day by day. Huda flirted and Naina just gave a snarky comment, enough to shut him up. It was quiet fun to watch them.
Aalekh was no great and expert in judging and sensing people's true character , it was just a talent his hard life taught him, along with silence. "I trust you." was his only answer but was enough to rejoice Naina. At least some of her friends trusted her.

Some hours of silence later they all found themselves in their last class, Captain Rajveer's class. Everyday he taught them something from book but the last 15 minutes were dedicated to values that a soldier or even a person should have in life. They were some lessons that Rajveer read somewhere or life taught him, and he wanted to share it with all his students.
"Benefit of doubt. It is something we are going to discuss about today. Many times we accuse people, not even knowing their side of story. Just like a coin, every incident, every story has two sides. Not necessarily both the sides will be wrong. Maybe they both are right, and it's just that we fail to notice that. " Rajveer said, looking at 6 cadets, who knew it was a lesson for them. They didn't know Naina's side of story but still accused her.
"Just for example, let's say that one of your friend doesn't pick up a call. You are angry, thinking he is ignoring you but on the other side maybe he is some kind of problem. Before jumping on to conclusions and doing something you will regret, just sit with the person and give him one chance of explanation. It is worth a try. " the bell rang and the class, after wishing their teacher went away. But the six cadets were seated there only. Rajveer had initially thought of stopping them after class and make them discuss their problems rather then childishly ignoring each other but it proved that his cadets were more mature than he thought.

"It's good you all are here. I know what happened yesterday was not a good thing to remember but before you all accuse Naina of spilling your secrets, let me tell you why she did it. One reason being, she was forced by me, so blame me if you want to. And the second reason was that she knew what would have happened if in the morning Brigadier caught you. So it was better for you all to be caught by me. She was very reluctant to tell where you all were, but you all can say that sometimes I can be intimidating, so if you want to blame someone, it is me not Naina. I am going to leave, talk among yourselves and sort it out because a Battalion can't work if it's soldier are not united." saying this Rajveer left the room, he knew that the cadets had understood what he just said, and he doesn't need to worry about them anymore. But at that moment he had more important things to take care of, something which was only important to him but to the country as well.

Yudi and Pooja were first to apologize and hug Naina. She didn't complain about the treatment they had given her because she knew that there was no point in fighting anymore and regret was clearly reflected in their hugs. Huda just sat there, he also understood whatever Captain just said, but his manly proud didn't allow him to say sorry in front of so many people. He knew, now he had two reasons to apologize to Naina, and he was doing it tonight, just as his mother told him to. For the preparations, he stood up and went away, without saying a word. But this action was misunderstood by everyone, they thought that Huda was still angry and didn't want to talk to Naina. She didn't want to accept it, but still over time she had become friends with Huda. She wanted Huda to fight with her, truthfully, she enjoyed it herself. But there was nothing else she could say or do.

"So, Captain Rajveer let you slide this time without any punishment? " Naina asked, wanting to somehow start a discussion. Everyone chose to forget about Huda right now as they remembered what punishment they had received. All of them just smiled. But it was Pooja who decided to speak, "Our connections could have been cut but Rajveer sir connected our sin cards to different teacher's handsets, even some of them are double sim." Naina was literally confused. She liked Pooja as a friend but still was far away from understanding her special language. "We are assigned to some teachers, and are supposed to help them. From double sim, she means, that we are assigned in pairs.And just to tell you, except Aalekh, everyone was assigned by a draw. Small chits of teachers and students were made and picked up, finalizing the teacher-student pair. It was done, just to ensure that no one thinks it was bias. Personally I don't think anyone of us would have complained if pairing was done other way. " Ali explained it to everyone and added the last part, just to inform Naina. It was a surprise to everyone how well Ali understood Pooja's new language but no one questioned him, it was good to have a translator.
"Ali is assigned to Suri ji with Aalekh. Actually Suri ji speacially asked for Aalekh. Ali is supposed to help in kitchen. Who knew that a soldier could cook. Anyways, Pooja is assigned to Ms. Lolita, helping her out in whatever she does, god knows what. I and Huda are assigned to Dr. Shalini To Help her in infirmary." Yudi completed his little speech, but what confused Naina was that Captain Rajveer himself assigned punishments but he didn't have a student.

Huda was very happy with his work, now he had to wait for night to come, when Naina would get her surprise in her own room. After, the evening drill, what could be better than a surprise for a tired beautiful girl? He imagined all the possibilities that could happen after she saw the surprise. She won't come running into his arms, he knew that but maybe they could be good friends. Once satisfied with whatever he did, he left for the drill.
In the classroom also, everyone realized that it was time if drill, and they need to reach there as soon as they can, if they wanted to live peacefully, without any Major Nair's creative punishment. They had been fortunate that he was going light on the cadets, according to his little speech that he made recently but not a single cadet agreed with his definition of Light.
On the way out, Naina decided to ask Aalekh why Captain didn't have a cadet assigned to himself, to which he answered in the longest sentence he has ever spoke, "He believes that a person who helps a criminal, or a person at fault, in our case is also at fault and receives equal punishment."
"Wait, does that mean.... " Naina couldn't complete her sentence when he continued,
"Naina you are assigned to Captain Rajveer. "

Today, I have nothing to speak about.... But still enjoy reading and please leave your thoughts, it really makes me happy to know what you all thought of the chapter. And now our story is on #6 in adventure so congrats and thanks everyone. I hope you all enjoy the future story as well....

And I just created a reading list of Left right left fanfictions I could find... And wow! There are sooooo many out there. Anyhow, I love reading about lrl too, so I will try to read them.... And if you know some ff which I may have forgot to add, please comment below to tell me.
P. S. I forgot to add Left Right Left-The revival 😂 😂 ....  Just gonna do that....

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