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Everything was ready, prepared. Tomorrow was the KMA foundation day and Naina had double checked everything, she was quiet surprised when cadets did all work perfectly, without any fights or arguments, if we ignore Aalekh and Ali arguing about menu or Yudi and Pooja fighting over colors of balloons or Huda, who was constantly leaving his work to talk to a girl. Apart from these little problems, everything went on smoothly.

It was midnight when Pooja was asleep and Naina was wide awake, with a file in front of her.
A file full of pictures of so many unknown people. Naina shuffled through hundreds of pics. There were many to check, but tonight she was going to find the one with her brother in it.
First picture, which caught Naina's attention was of Captain Rajveer and Dr. Shalini, with a glass of water in hand and smiling. They looked a little younger, but nothing much had changed. There were many pictures of different cadets, Faculty members, Captain Rajveer, Dr.Shalini and even some of Brigadier Chandok.

The first picture of Naveen was with Rajveer, next was with some faculty members of that time and the last picture was of Naveen with a girl. Maybe the girl he wanted his parents to meet, but the problem was she was wearing a mask. It was the picture of last party, the farewell party. But sadly it was a masquerade ball, meaning everyone wore a mask that day. Only Naina knew how much she cursed the person who invented this thing that night. If it wasn't the mask, she would have known who the girl was.

Next half an hour was spent trying to find another picture of Naveen or the girl but she got no success in it. Putting the file under her clothes in her part of cupboard, with a little disappointment in her heart, and once she was sure Pooja won't be able to find it, she went to sleep.

Next day, was a day never seen in KMA before, at least by the first year cadets. They had never seen so many cadets and teachers roaming freely, and that too without fear of breaking discipline, even teachers were talking among themselves and associating with their students.

"This is all so beautiful. Pooja, you have done a wonderful job." Ali praised Pooja, who just blushed a little and said, "It could have been better if Yudi didn't try to put his sim in Decoration handset. It just messed up things." "Excuse me? I couldn't do the decorations? it was you. And Ali, here is your bro standing over here who did all this work, and you are praising a girl? Should I be concerned of losing you to a girl?" Yudi said with a little annoyance in his voice, but everyone knew it was a fake, he was just trying to tease the couple, who weren't a couple yet, but they all also knew that it was just a matter of time.

"You all have to taste the food I cooked..." Ali started to say, trying to hide his embarrassment but corrected himself when Aalekh glared at him, "We cooked together and please tell us how do you like it." Everyone just nodded, and Naina was happy that everything was going according to the plan. Nothing was out of place or late. "Let me the check the stage once more, and then we are ready to start." Naina walked towards the stage, checking the chairs positions, Table, Bouquets,  and Water bottles. Being in army, everything had to be in place, not a small mistake was forgivable.

Rajveer saw Naina checking the items on stage, making sure everything was perfect. He was proud of her, this way no one could say anything to her or scold her for any improper reason. By no one he obviously meant Major Nair, who had some problem with Naina, and never wanted to let her succeed.

Save your favourite person in KMA - Your Secret Holder....

The message was short, and from some Secret Holder, usually such messages are signed by well wishers but this message which Rajveer got was a little different.

Your Favourite Person..... The first that came to Rajveer's mind was of Naina. Why, how, when were not important at that time. He just needed to save her, if the message contained a little bit of truth in it. His legs started moving near the stage unknowingly, but as soon as he was near the stage he heard the tic toc sound. Being an army officer and his special interest in bombs and weapons had made him quiet accustomed to its sounds as well. A normal person wouldn't be able to hear that, but Rajveer's ears were trained for that. By the speed of sound he knew that in no time this stage would blast into pieces and if he didn't save Naina now, then Naina would be also turned into pieces.

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