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"Major Nair, find them, and bring them back here. They have failed the test." Major Bhargav ordered the other Major, who looked more than happy to proceed, but was stopped by Captain Rajveer, "I shall go." "Very well Captain. Proceed." Major Bhargav just retreated back to the cadets.

Captain was going towards the forest when Huda with 3 more cadets stopped him, "Sir, where is Naina and Aalekh?" "Cadets, I am going to bring them back, they may have lost the way." saying this Rajveer started walking but was again stopped when Pooja said, "Sir, something may have deleted from our memory card but we just got it back, and it was a starred message that our operator asked us to forward it to you." Rajveer just raised his eyebrow in confusion when Ali said, "Sir, Dr.Shalini asked us to take care of Naina because she may have given her mild painkillers but still they would have their effect. She cant have too much of exertion. We thought that this drill would be over soon, but now...."

This just made Rajveer walk faster, and he officially accepted a fact that Naina is the most stubborn girl in this world and she really has a power to attract problems and foes.

Aalekh and Naina were lost. Finally after a lot of bickering they both accepted it. "I gave you the map for a second, and then we are lost." Naina said in an annoyed tone. "You said it. No one can get lost in a second. We were lost before you gave me the map, and now you are blaming me." Aalekh replied in same tone. "I should have never given you the map. You lost it to a monkey!" she shouted a little in the end. "He was trying to make fun of us." he stated. "How can a monkey make fun of us? And a forest ground full of stones, you couldn't find a stone to hit him? you used that map?" she was just replaying whatever happened a few moments ago.

"He was dancing. And I had to stop him."

"First thing, monkeys cant dance, and even if they do you should have let him enjoy his beautiful day, there was no need to throw a map on that poor creature."

"Poor creature? You said he was a monster, who ate our map."

"You know you are the worst brother ever, who remembers everything."

"And you know, you are worst sister ever, who cant accept her mistake, and loves to fight."

Hearing this, they both smiled, because everyone knows that in a brother-sister Worst is a better word for Best, and a brother-sister relation is not healthy if they don't fight.

Walking and fighting and a little war with monkey, made Naina feel a little unconscious. Her vision was become blurry, when she stopped and blinked a few time, to see clearly but failed. Aalekh was also trying to shake her a little when she fully gave into darkness. He knew that painkillers were showing their effect and in their story-telling session they both had forgot this fact.

Picking up Naina he started to walk in an unknown direction, just hoping that this would bring them closer to the camp. "Cadet Aalekh." Captain Rajveer called from somewhere and after a few moments he came from opposite direction, in which he was going. "What happened to Naina?" Before Aalekh could answer, he saw Captain moving forwards, extending his arms like he was going to carry her. "Painkillers. But you know I can pick her up." one word was enough to tell Rajveer what all other cadets were fearing of happening had just happened. "Cadet, you must be tired carrying her. Let me take her from here." he didn't know why, but he wanted be the one in place of Aalekh. "She just fainted, so I am not tired. I can take her back." Aalekh couldn't understand why Captain wanted to carry her, but now he wanted to know that. "Cadet its an order." Rajveer was growing impatient, he never knew that cadets could be so stubborn. First Naina and now Aalekh, he really suspected that they were long lost brother and sister, little did he know that this drill made this relation official.

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