Out Of Body Experience

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24.10.20XX - London - 10:03 Uhr

On this very cold Monday morning, when the migrating birds had already moved southward to escape the ever colder times, the gray and heavy clouds swept all over the country and brought with them an incessant continual rain for the surrounding villages. It had been raining for hours and an end was still far from in sight. The weather was simply said... shit. The new week could not start crappy. On such a desolate day, one would prefer to stay in bed and hide from this miserable everyday life. Do nothing. Just make a lazy day.

This was also the thought of the Chief of Criminal Police, Gary Barlow. When he awoke from a bad dream this morning, his alarm clock was already screaming at last. However, it still took a while before Gary finally realized that he was back in the here and now. He hurriedly reached for this inhuman invention to silence it more than urgently. Groaning, he dropped back into the pillow and ran a hand through his slightly sweaty face. Although he did not want to allow it in the least, he was in danger of falling asleep next time. He was already on his way there, when Gary then suddenly started up and immediately moved into a sitting position.

A quick glance at the clock told him it was already after ten in the morning.


Now he had slept more than thoroughly, and even while his alarm clock had already hunted him out of bed for hours. This made him really stupid. How was it possible that he had not even heard this? If this nightmare had not been, Gary would definitely still sleep, and then guaranteed until the noon hour. Such a nightmare also had something useful. ...Of course, up to the content of the dream itself.

With more than just wobbly legs, Gary finally stood up, but then he fell back on the bed. Gary felt a lot of broken on the wheel and had obvious difficulties getting on his legs. What the hell was going wrong with him today?

The nightmare.

Failing to hear the alarm clock.

The obvious problems, with getting up.

Something was wrong. He felt that. But most likely it was that he just had a bad day. It couldn't be otherwise. With the thought that it couldn't get any worse, he dared to try again and hoped that the power of gravity would not again demand a post-sacrifice. Gary had already counted on the fact that he soon found himself on the bed. Surprisingly, his stand was stable this time and so he could finally go to the bathroom to make himself something fresh, to put on and finally to the presidency.


I know it's short, but this is only the beginning and the chapters will be a bit longer.

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