Are You My Enemy Or My Friend?

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01.11.20XX - Presidium - 7:38 hrs

Several days passed. Since Gary had made his escape, and had swallowed the ground, the criminal police were still searching for him. But there wasn't even the slightest trace of him, this search turned out to be like the proverbial needle in the haystack. Gary couldn't be found. Which one had expected somehow. As a former Chief of Police, he obviously had the knowledge of how he disappeared unobserved from the scene and, if necessary, was able to interfere. This was the reason why the search for only four days was discontinued. With a bit of luck and by the help of some kind of wary fellow human beings, Gary would appear. ...Hopefully.

At this quite early time, Robbie entered the office, casting an inevitable gaze at the desk that Gary used. But his new colleague, who was to replace Gary after only one day, was already sitting at this place now. What Robbie couldn't understand at all. In his eyes, Gary wasn't so easy to replace.

Now making a comparison was completely insane and inappropriate at the same time. No. The two could and should not be opposed.

Disregarding the age difference of eight years, this tall and stout criminal chief commissioner looked like a closet from the stature. In addition, he didn't spoke a lot. But when he said something, then he did this with a voice, where Robbie put up all his neck hair. It was not, of course, that he came across as a cruel major criminal, but he had something threatening about him. ...So comparing him to Gary was a completely wrong time.

Even working with him proved quite difficult. Okay. Working with Gary had not been the best in the beginning, but his former partner had still had human traits. What Robbie was missing in the new something. For this reason he would prefer to work with a better know-it-all, than with this eerie fellow, who was sitting in front of him. Secretly, he even played with the thought of wanting to go. After all this time, Gary was even more than just a partner for him. Robbie saw in him the best friend he ever had.

"Good morning, colleague." Robbie finally greeted him, trying to cast a tired smile on his face.

His opposite, who bore the name of Peter Jones, accepted the morning greeting with a nod and sank back into his work. From this negative attitude toward him, Robbie made no sign of his slight insecurity, and took a few sighs of relief from his jacket, which he hung on a clothes rack in the corner. As he did every morning, he followed like his first official act, while he got a strong coffee for himself.

Shortly after, Robbie stood with a cup of coffee in his hand in front of the window and looked lost in thought into a world that was being kissed by the rising sun. In the virgin and cold sky red streaks appeared and announced a wonderful day. But Robbie couldn't really enjoy it.

"Gaz. Where are you now? ...Please. Come back." Robbie mourned further in his mind behind his missing and former colleague, wondering himself in thoughts where this could only be.

After a while, Robbie had enough time to wander into the distance and to think about where his disappeared friend was now. It didn't matter much to him when he stood here and stared out of the window. No matter how long he did it, Gary had gone missing. If he didn't want to be found, it was damn difficult to find him. Despite what he had done, he remained a long-time companion and a good friend. Accordingly, it wasn't easy to forget him.

But as Robbie was a police officer, he had to remain objective and consider Gary as a suspected perpetrator. So Robbie had no choice but to do his job and question everything that made no sense. ...Even if it was a former colleague.

As the Chief of Criminal Investigation went to the desk and came to sit rather heavily, he threw Jones a glance at him briefly, wondering why he spoke so little. Robbie's guess was that as a child and teenager he had a very bad time. Somehow he already had the picture in front of him, as his father had always been reprimanded, so that he came across as a perfect and ice-cold soldier.

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