See The Future Coming To You

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02.11.20XX - Presidium - 00:37 hrs

After an endless ride and finally arrived at the presidency, Daniel was immediately led into the interrogation room, which was directly connected to the office of Robbie and Jones. In this one room, the thoughtful Daniel took a seat at the other end of a long table and had to explain his actions. But at first he remained rather mute. Why should he explain great? He had nothing to lose anyway. Daniel knew only too well that he would immigrate to jail for several years, if not long. So what brought him this? Making a confession was a dead time. Even if, he would showed reget.

But Jones had so much pressure on him that he finally gave in and so he told them what the commissioners already knew by the identity of the vanished corpse. After being handed over by a couple of foster families just like a joint, Daniel eventually found one where he had really got the chance to finally lead a real and regular life. In this one foster family, he also quickly became friends with his son, whom he soon saw as his real brother. His name?

Mike Reynolds!

This was still very much in the minds of the commissioners, as he had already tried to destroy Gary Barlow's detective life ever since a year or two ago. In his opinion, Gary Barlow was guilty of his father's taking his life. In a police operation, where Gary had been present, about twelve or thirteen years ago, a bank robber was placed at home and somehow and more than desperately escaped from an arrest at that time, the father turned completely and even took his own and only son as a hostage. After nearly eleven years, Mike Gary had met again at a football game of Arsenal London against Liverpool, and from then on, he had devised a plan of revenge as he could break him forever. What he had done almost. Only through the tireless and hard use of Robbie and, of course, the other commissioners, who were involved in it, could just be prevented. Because of murder and false suspicion, Mike finally got a prison sentence on lifetime.

But with this condemnation, Mike couldn't really cope and so he made his last desperation, as his father had once done, to take his own life. About two or three weeks ago, his corpse was found hanging in his prison cell. This whole series of events had then led to another person appearing on the scene, which no one had expected, and he was no other than Daniel.

Because Daniel loved Mike, he had just been looking for Gary Barlow and avenged himself in Mike's and, of course, his own name. If he and his colleagues had not stormed the house several years ago, Mike's father and Mike himself would still be alive today. To put an end to his real deed, Daniel had even taken the corpse of his brother out of the funeral home. So that he together with him, as a common act, Gary once and for all to bring under the earth. With the knowledge that he wouldn't easily get to Gary, he had come up with a devilish genius plan. The whole thing started with the burglary at Johnson's jewelers, where he had laid a wrong track and manipulated a video tape so perfectly, that one had to look at Gary as the only true perpetrator and that nobody had any doubt in his guilt. Even Gary was supposed to believe in his own fault and to get that, Daniel had come up with a very special trick for it. One night, when he'd gone to hide the stolen property, he had a visit to the sleeping Chief Inspectorate, giving him a light narcotic so he could see the following action as a kind of dream. After this narcotic had unfolded, Gary's eyes were carefully opened and fixed with two special clamps, where his gaze was fixed to the ceiling. Using a small projector, he then showed Gary the manipulated video as he unscrewed the jeweler's shop! A very important stone in a long Dominore series was thus fundamentally set up and should Gary ever more in the shoot out.

Hardly had the first domino fallen, Gary was from then on Daniel's sticky fingers and from which he no longer came free again. With that finally led one to the other. Even the incident in the pub had been largely planned. For which Daniel even arranged a few people and paid them for a wrong game accordingly. Because of this, Gary was in the conflict with himself and he would visit the nearest pub, which had already opened at this time of day, was more than foreseeable for Daniel. The story about the bartender was not threaded by Daniel, which meant for Gary that he had to be responsible for the bodily injury and material damage in any case.

After this nerve-racking and following visit to this one pub, where Gary was supposed to believe that he had a human life on his conscience, Daniel only had to wait, just take it off and then disappear from the scene. The rest was then history.

To the last question, why he had killed the holder of the funeral home, Daniel merely replied that this wasn't planned. The owner simply interfered with him in his actions and there he had react from the affect. He didn't want to have any witnesses for his deed, and so he had no choice but to bring him around the corner and put him in the coffin, which was actually meant for Mike.

Because of this more than just incredible story, Daniel was of course imprisoned, where he would then be presented several hours later to the detainee and then decided how long he had to resign his sentence. Ultimately, Daniel was convicted of burglary with theft, incitement to false suspicion, deliberate killing, disturbance of the funeral and attempted murder with a lifetime imprisonment.

All that remains to be said is that Gary Barlow had survived the murder attempt and was slowly on the way to recovery after initial critical moments. After he had brought his statement, also to the record, a fine for the material damage and bodily injury was imposed on him. Whichs of course he followed.

Despite all these more than annoying and memorable events that Gary had to live in his life so far, he didn't let himself be displaced after his hospital stay, even though he had been offered him. Gary didn't want to be spared either by a dead Mike Reynolds, nor by a Daniel Andrews, who had been imprisoned for life. In order to be able to draw a thick and definite line under this story, he went for the first time for two whole months in the well-earned holiday, where he then immediately in the direct connection again to take up the active service.

Even if someone caught up with the past and was something like a prologue to a life story, that did not mean that the future must be just as dark as it once began. No. His life was to be carried forward by the future, not by the past.


A/N - I hope you liked this story. It was my first attempt to write a crime novel and thus give the whole Take That FFs a little change. Since I have unfortunately never heard, whether I've also managed to make it exciting, I would be very glad about feedback. Especially because it is really not easy to write a good detective story. ...I am particularly interested in your opinion. PLEASE!

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