All Those Minutes Get Lost In Time

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25.10.20XX - Presidium - 18:34 hrs

More than just thought lost, Robbie went down the aisles on this rainy morning of the Presidium until he stood in front of his office. For a few seconds, he stopped at the door and wondered if it wouldn't have been better to stay in bed at home. From yesterday's day, and especially from the night, when he had scarcely set an eye, he felt something like this from a long time.

But now he was here and could scarcely make a retreat, even if he was the first person to see it clearly. So he opened the door, flooded the dark room with bright light, and hung his jacket on the clothes rack. Shortly afterwards, he was already standing in front of his desk, and slumped into the chair. Robbie leaned back and closed his eyes for a moment.

What will the new day bring? Was there any news about Gary? What is actually the volatile type from the current case? Was at least this already found and questioned about his action procedures?

All these questions swarmed through Robbie's head. But not even a single response came to mind. Not to mention an initial idea. Since Jason arrived yesterday with this video, everything was simply turned upside down and got additionally a dizzying turn of three hundred sixty degrees.

While Robbie still fought with the feeling that he was on a never-ending carousel, the door was opened, whereupon Mark and Jason stepped in slowly. Robbie looked up at the two of them and watched as the two sat down completely without words on two chairs. The frightening silenced with which they gave themselves, did not please Robbie at all. Since neither Mark nor Jason came, Robbie looked at the two singly and noticed how they exchanged silently glances. This could mean only one thing. ...Bad news.

But what Robbie didn't want to hear in the least. For who would voluntarily make bad news about themselves? ...No one else.

"What's happening? Is there something new?" Robbie was finally gripped by his curiosity.

Mark and Jason gave each other a dumb look at the end, until the last one pulled out a folded sheet of paper and instantly passed it on to Robbie.

"This is our unidentified suspect who flees after the pub stay." Jason added with a occupied voice.

Robbie looked at Jason briefly then unfolded the piece of paper with trembling hands. He looked big at the sight of the suspect. That couldn't be true, that had to be a mistake. ...But the face that he looked at was clearly that of Gary!

"This is not supposed to be our Gary now?" Robbie suddenly shouted out, holding his disbelieving gaze on the phantom picture.

"Unfortunately yes. Mrs. Crenshaw could identify him exactly. ...It was Gary, there is no doubt!" Jason had to make a dash for him, which of course he didn't like.

It was also hard for him to see Gary as a suspect. Despite his tempered temperament, which he sometimes showed now and then, if one even pushed him into a corner, his heart was still in the right place. He was more than a good colleague. A friend.

"Oh Gaz. What the hell is going on with you? I don't want to say, of course, that you've actually committed this theft, but what have you done again? Even if this video is not, there is still the display, which is based on material damage, bodily injury and killing and finally makes you ready. ...Have you had any problems we didn't know about? You should have just said one word. ...We could have helped you." Jason's thoughts were hot.

Robbie could only turn his gaze and shake his head. That Gary had slowly gotten to his head and had to make him mad was absolutely understandable. However, he couldn't understand that his friend was so misguided by all the emotions and thus had a human life on his conscience. What had driven him to go to the next pub, and let his brain shut off with the help of alcohol? Robbie was more likely now that he was in the very beginning to the search for the person who wanted to wipe him with the video one. So Gary could hardly have played with the thought that he could really be the culprit. After all, he had previously declared his innocence, and he would never want to get in the way of the law. For this, he loved his work as a chief inspector.

...Unless he was driven into the corner by some vindictive people.

"That can not be true. ...Gaz, what do you do for things? In what are you just talking about?" Robbie asked more about himself.

"And we can't do anything for him. ...Just wait until Gary makes the next mistake." Mark said loudly.

"I hardly believe this will happen. Gaz will definitely not be so stupid and want to make another mistake. He sits so already so deep in the shit that nothing and no one can still get out there. It is more likely that he is hiding somewhere." Jason tried to move into Gary's position and worked out his situation in a very vivid picture, "Even if someone avenge himself at Gary and give him the theft, for whatever reason because there is still the display. There will definitely be a juicy financial penalty on the damage to the property and the bodily injury, but that is still nothing compared to what he would've to expect if one takes the killing of the one man. ...Either way, Gaz will cost a few years of his life."

"Provided that one finds him." Mark pointed out more than thoughtfully, and did not want to paint to himself this picture only at all, if Gary could be found generally.

"Somehow determined and then he must be responsible for it. ...Jay's right. Even if Gary has acted out of affect, he will still have to sit down for it. ...We can do nothing more." Robbie said to the two of them and, of course, to himself, that it was more than just bad for their mutual friend.

On this admission, Robbie could only breathe out and exhale once more and sank again into his thoughts. He would gladly give Gary the faith that he had nothing to do with all this. However, with it he demonstrated to himself what. Okay. The thing with the theft could be quite a sophisticated video, only to put Gary into the bad light and it was thus as a kind of revenge act. However, since no one had ever thought of showing his ugly face in the beginning, and thus still wrapped himselfs in a dark mantle of silence, it was difficult to find any conceivable approach at all. It was true that Robbie and Mark had already searched the whole archive for a possible perpetrator, who had a motive for such an act and was able to carry it out. Whereupon the well-loved persons were still in custody, were dead or had left the country to build up a new life. Therefore, there was no possible ex-prisoner who might consider such a thing.

In the subsequent pub visit, however, which couldn't be more tragic for Gary, he let himself go to a more than just questionable level under the influence of alcohol, and he was also blamed for a man too early Life.

...What then happened it before witnesses.

It was futile. Gary was left alone. He had no one left to get rid of him. Normally the hope dies at last, but in this case it was already dead.

This was now more than painfully conscious for Robbie and now had to come to somehow clear. It will not be easy, but the life goes on. In this life, there was no stagnation. Time went on indefatigably. Nothing, nothing could stop it. A black hole could perhaps distort the time and slow it down significantly, but that wouldn't bring much. Because the time would always go on and on ...!

Anyway, if you want to get rid of any comments, praise or criticism, then you can do it with pleasure. I'm open to everything. Just go out.

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