It's Your Chance Now To Stand Up And Fight

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Somewhere in London - 23:50 hrs

After an eternity, Robbie and Oliver were finally able to turn away their frozen eyes from the contents of the wardrobe. No one really expected that.

From a purely external point of view, this Daniel might have been a neat neighbor and a nice young man, but there were more than deep abysses inside. Behind his act was a gigantic plan that he had really refined to the smallest detail. The presumption that Daniel had had to know the corpse body personally, confirmed itself. What he hoped for from the theft of this one corpse, Robbie let more than an icy chill run over his back.

Despite this sudden and much too hot one hundred and eighty degree turn, they now had to keep a cool head and smother every emerging panic in the bud. As policemen, they could not afford it, as soon as something became boiling, to let all the horses go through.

To all the excess, now also ran the time against them. If they did not leave the apartment quickly and immediately saw the industrial area, another person could lose his/her life.

While Robbie thanked Mrs. Ferres for her help, Oliver was desperately trying to contact the group around Jones, to be extremely cautious and to do nothing unthinking. But to his displeasure, he heard from all three the same mechanical voice that the desired participant was not available at the time.


With the thought that they were no longer able to make it in time, and then saw a picture of horror they hurried toward the exit and left the apartment complex within the next minute.

While they were still on their way to the industrial area, a special team of command teams was called for further support. Perhaps this was a bit exaggerated for a single person who came over like a half-shirt, but Robbie just didn't want to leave it to chance and give it a certain note of caution. The whole thing was too hot for him. For if something went wrong, he would certainly want to reproach himself forever. Allegations, that he had not shown enough use in this case.

After a few hardly worth mentioning minutes, the small group arrived at this one vacant building, looking at it more than critically from the car. Seen from the outside, the box looked like a normal fiddle, which had long since passed its sparkle. Because of the rather less obvious perception of the building, this place was not in itself a bad hideout for violent crimes.

"Should we wait for the arrival of the boys from the special task force team or even start an attempt to go in?" Oliver could finally ask more than just tense into the round.

"If you ask me, we should take the risk. To sit around here silently and to do nothing is against my nature, and besides ...every second counts." Howard was of the opinion that they shouldn't wait a second for the special team command team and spoke with it, an extremely important point.

While Robbie grabbed his holster and ripped out the weapon in it, he let the two commissars knows that there was nothing left for them: "Howard's right. ...We're going in!"

Howard and Oliver nodded silently to him and then also pulled their weapons. With this the three armed themselves from the car and tried to get the distance between themselves and the warehouse in wind ropes. As they entered the main entrance, their attention was immediately drawn to a bright light at the other end, where a door was apparently only ajar, leaving a lonely and cold beam of light. Taken by this light, they once ran across the whole hall, and then, after a short delay, entered the light-lit corridors with the utmost caution.

With armored weapons, Howard, Oliver, and Robbie went down the various corridors until they found not even in a minute a darkened room and where this protesting voice was heard. Voices wich belonged to Jason and Mark. There was no doubt. Apparently they came too late. Just as it sounded, Daniel had therefore had his crime already put into action. Robbie was about to talk to Howard and Oliver tonelessly and intervene in the events when he suddenly felt a strange hand on one of his shoulders. Shocked, the chief of the detective gave up half a pirouette and was able to control himself, not to shout loudly. For a short moment, he seriously thought that these were any, unknown, and restrained accomplices of this Daniel. At the closer look of the black-dressed men before him, where on their bulletproof waistcoat was written in large and fat letters SWAT, this fear was however completely unfounded. On the sign of their instructors that they took over from now, Robbie visibly relieved a step to the side and thus made room for the complete special command team. The attack was finally launched with a simple gesture.

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