Standing At Your Doorway, Won't You Let Me In?

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Somewhere in London - 23:32 hrs

Despite this late hour at night, Robbie's team tried to ring Daniel out of the apartment. But there was no reaction. Not even a suspicious sound could be heard from the apartment. The only answer they received from this Daniel was just an icy silence. He couldn't possibly have such a deep sleep that he overheard the doorbell. Unless's he was more shining with absence than lying in his bed and sleeping soberly.

Since even after two minutes didn't do the slightest thing they were on a very probably unsuccessful attempt to find a something like a replacement key. What finally it proved to be an error. So they had no choice but to get one of the neighbors out of bed and ask. Okay. They had certain possibilities to enter a locked apartment, but the police were also bound by certain rules they had to adhere to.

One of these neighbors succeeded in getting the person who lived in it at the door. A middle-aged woman stepped in front of the commissars in the bathrobe and with a struggling hairstyle and complained at once about the midnight disturbance.

"What the hell do they want? Don't you know how late it is?"

"We are really sorry for the disturbance, Mrs. Ferres. We're from the London Cripo and need to talk more than urgently with your neighbor Daniel Andrews. Only he doesn't open the door for us, and we wanted to ask you if you might have a spare key to his apartment." Oliver took the talking and clarified the good woman about the circumstances.

On the mention that they were from the Cripo, the three also showed off immediately with their laminated ID cards.

"Oh. Erm. ...Naturally. Wait a moment, please." Mrs. Ferres immediately understood that she was only asked for her help, and as she disappeared into her apartment for a moment to get the replacement key, she apologized for the speed of her behavior, "I'm sorry I was so lousy. It's just that I have to get to my work relatively early and if I don't get my sleep at this hour, I may be allergic to it."

"You don't have to apologize. We understand that all too well. ...Nocturnal actions like this here we are reluctant to do." Oliver let her know at once that they had an absolute understanding for it and that these nightly attacks were sometimes very difficult for themselves.

"What do you really want from Daniel? He doesn't give you any problems, does it?" Ms Ferres wanted to know the circumstances, so the police would leave at this late hour just to talk to him.

"He was sighted several times near a crime scene, where a murder was committed. This does not mean, of course, that he is our wanted offender, but he is now the only one we have been able to determine so far and want to know from him only, if he has seen something and maybe tell us something about the events." Robbie didn't want to frighten her now that her neighbor might have a human life on his conscience.

Since Mrs. Ferres had not fallen on her head, she could already imagine what this Chief of Criminal Police really was about. In your opinion, had more to put behind it than just a simple survey ...and then also at this late hour.

So she couldn't help but open her thoughts openly, while she opened the door with the spare key of Daniel's apartment: "Daniel and a murder? I can hardly imagine that."

"And why not? Do you know him a little closer?" Robbie wanted to know the relationship she was with Daniel.

"I can not really say I know him very well now. ...But. I can tell you he is a very nice young man and a helpful person. He has often helped me with some everyday situation. A few weeks ago, for example, I had a huge problem with my computer, which he then solved with a few clicks and within seconds." Mrs. Ferres said that she could only say good things about Daniel, although she did of him knew only the most necessary.

On this statement, Oliver, Howard, and Robbie looked at each other with a brief and bizarre look. As it looked, this Daniel obviously had a very good technical knowledge, which had to enable him to hack into strange computers and, if necessary, to exchange any data. This showed them more than plainly that they were on a hot track. The suspicion that he had sent the corpse with him and that he had committed the intentional killing to the owner became more and more evident.

When they all came into the apartment shortly thereafter, the small group was received by a yawning and black emptiness. But what was already stopped by lighting the light.

"Daniel Andrews? Here's the police." Howard said shortly afterwards over his lips.

But an echo did not happen.

"Apparently he's not there." Oliver said.

"That does not bother us, does it?" Howard asked more so casually.

"Not really." Oliver pointed out.

While Oliver and Howard began to take a closer look at the booth, Robbie tried to find out more about Daniel through Mrs. Ferres: "Can you give me a better description of Daniel? I mean, is he something like a loner?"

"You could already describe him like that. Yes. ...As far as I know, Daniel never really had a real family. He grew up in various foster families."

"And as his last foster parents were called, do you now also know by chance?"

"I'm sorry. No."

Shortly afterwards Oliver came and showed the two a picture with two people on it and asked immediately: "What is the picture here? ... Is this Daniel?"

Ms Ferres glanced at the picture, where two teenagers had taken a piggyback and looked at to the camera.

"No. The minor of the two is Daniel." The good woman clarified at the same time and denied this presumption.

"And the other boy? Perhaps you've a clue as to who this might be?" Robbie asked, pointing to the older of the two Daniels had piggybacked.

"That would have been his brother."

"Brother? You just said he grew up in the most diverse foster families."

"Of course he isn't his biological brother. This must have been some boy from one of these foster families. At any rate, when I saw the picture for the first time, he had presented it to me as his brother. I strongly believe that Daniel looks up to him like a real brother. ...But don't ask me now, what his name is." Mrs. Ferres told the two about their connection.

"Okay. ...But you don't have a slight suspicion where he might be?" Oliver asked himself to ask for a last question, but he only got a tired head-shake in reply.

"Rob. Olly. Come quickly. You have to look at it more than absolutely!" An excited voice became loud.

The voice of Commissioner Donald clearly came from the next room. It sounded as if he had found something interesting. Hastily ran Robbie and Oliver to this and saw, as he stood before an opened cabinet.

"What's the matter, Doug?" Oliver asked quickly.

"See for yourself." Howard pointed out with a nod to his find and wanted from his two colleagues that they looked at themselves.

"Oh my God! ...That explains probably more than we thought." Robbie after a while his thoughts in a barely perceptible whisper sound produced and besides wasn't even in the approach in the position to turn away his more than just frozen view into the closet.

If you want to get rid of any comments, praise or criticism, then you can do it with pleasure. I'm open to everything.

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