Trouble With Me

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Presidium - 9:18 hrs

"Where is Gary? He is otherwise the punctuality in person." Commissioner Mark Owen began to think about his colleague.

"He's coming. We should just enjoy this heavenly rest. After all, it doesn't happen often." Robbie Williams, the Chief of Criminal Police, was optimistic.

"Now you're right again." Mark agreed with him on this point, leaning back in his chair as Robbie had already done.

To start the day with a good friend at the side and a hot cup of coffee in hand had already something. Particularly also if her topics did not go sometimes around her work decisive for everyday life. They then talked about things that really moved you. ...Men's affairs.

But after an hour, this heavenly silence was disturbed when suddenly the door flew open and someone came rushing to the ground. Right now, Robbie and Mark just got up and realized more than surprisingly that this person was not Gary. It was their common colleague. Commissioner Jason Orange.

"Is something not right or did you have too much coffee this morning?" Robbie asked immediately if he had too much caffeine intus or even more with a real problem.

"Where is Gary?" Jason wanted to know at once.

"Not here yet. ...But what's the matter?" Was the preliminary response from Robbie.

"We have a problem!"

"And that would be?" Mark was now curious.

"There was a burglary in Johnsons' jewelers!"

"A new case? ...And where is the problem now?" Robbie showed interest and wanted to know what the problem was.

Since Jason holds a videocassette in his hand, he just put it in an appropriate video recorder and thus the illustrated material for him speaks. At a certain point, Jason let the picture freeze, so everyone could see where the real problem lay. Robbie and Mark couldn't believe what they saw. It had to be a bad joke.

"But someone must have allowed a very bad joke. This video cannot possibly be real." Robbie finally said their thoughts out loud.

"I've already checked it several times. ...It's real."

"What is real?" Suddenly asked a familiar voice from the background.

From the reflex, Jason turned the band off and looked, as well as Robbie and Mark, over to that said voice. It was the already missing Gary.

"Gary, where have you been?" Robbie asked.

"Where should I've been? At home, in my bed. ...To my regret I have overslept thoroughly I'm sorry." The answer came promptly and apologized for the fact that he was only here now.

With these words he took off his jacket, hung it on the clothes rack and then sat down at his desk. He noticed how the others looked at him strangely.

"What is? Why are you staring at me like this? I've really overslept." Gary could no longer bear their eyes and felt that he had to justify himself for his delay.

Because of this rather unpleasant situation, his colleagues simply didn't know how and where they were supposed to start, and from there, the three of them let it go, by looking at him with an icy silence and a certain disbelief in his eyes.

My God, what should that be? Everyone is overslept sometimes. Yes, even a Gary Barlow. That was not a long-term goal. Why then, did the others make such a great wind about it? Couldn't even be human?

But while these so-called friends continued to look at him, he wondered why he had not reported himself sick for today. After that last night, of which he still felt slightly veined, it would certainly have been better. As these gazes also gradually deprived him of his nerves, Gary got up from his desk again, leaving the room just as fast as he had entered.

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