A Catastrophic Consequences And Solution

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Somewhere in London - 12:14 hrs

In order for Gary to sort out his far too chaotic thoughts, he had gone on a lengthy walk. But what had brought him nothing at all. The idea that he could have done it and thus made himself punishable, didn't want to let him go under any circumstances. The fear and, of course, the doubts about himself, aroused him rightly.

Although Gary was aware of his innocence, he still felt as if he had been torn off all the flesh from his bones. He came to mind a case that had taken place in Canada a few years ago, causing a sensation. A sleepwalker actually had traveled twenty-three kilometers by car, where he had just broken into a house and committed a murder. On the basis of an opinion concerning insanity, he was released after his arrest and five years later.

So he wondered if that was the case with him. Could it be that he had recently walked among the sleepwalkers and went on a night of raids? But it was hard to believe that the fact that he was somewhere in the night and that he should have taken all sorts of valuables with him. Since Gary also knew the sleepwalking was connected with mental stress and he had not lately had this approach possessed, he could shoot this theory right back into the wind. Sure, there were several triggers behind the sleepwalker, but none of them could project Gary onto himself, just to suddenly start walking on nocturnal walks.

Since this thought did not help him much, he needed something else to be able to distract himself somehow. No matter how he did it. The main thing was that his pear had a certain employment.

Without thinking much about how he was going to organize it, Gary was simply looking for the next pub, which was open at this very early time. With heavy steps he entered the next one, which crossed his path. As soon as Gary had found his way into the interior, he threw more than just a questioning look through the entire room. What was he doing here? He would probably not find the solution to his problems on the bottom of a glass. For a moment, he thought of leaving the premises. But the next moment, Gary let himself be guided by his thoughts ...and they led him directly to the counter, where he took a seat on one of the many barstools. As he drove one hand through his tense face, he ordered himself from the bartender, which came to mind in this one second.

"A Scotch, please!"

Actually, Gary wasn't a big Scotch drinker, but he needed more than urgently what high percentage. The fact that he now wanted to drown his actual problems with alcohol and that at that time, showed him all too clearly how desperate he had to be able to finally forget this alleged act. In the second, when the glass with the Scotch stood in front of him, he immediately afterwards and Gary emptied it with few moves. In order to feel better the effect of the alcohol, he laid a hand on his closed eyes and let himself be absorbed by the warmth of the warmth, which gave him that which he had longed for. With his warmth, his brain was enveloped in a dense fog, so that every single train of thought instantly evaporated into all directions of heaven. But the desired effect did not last long and so it came that he was caught up again by reality.

The trick with Scotch had helped him a bit, but to Gary's suffering it had not been permanent. To get back to where he had not been half a minute before, he ordered another Gary with only two moves. This time, the effect would last a bit longer, but before he was dragged into the here and now, he let himself pour his empty glass a third time. What Gary then without thinking about the consequences on ex drank up.

"Another one." Gary asked shortly afterwards for his fourth Scotch.

The bartender didn't look at him enthusiastically, because he hated such people, who simply had to get down here and had to get drunk right away ...and this also at this time.

"Come on. Go on." Gary urged him to hurry.

"Don't you also think you already had enough?" The man asked, instead of giving him something new.

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