V. Raining blood

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I stepped out into the evening darkness, streetlights illuminating the parking lot and reflecting off the puddles on the ground. Cold raindrops were gently kissing my face, calming my alerted mind after what had just happened. As I was walking to my car, I slid my shaking hand into my bag, searching for my car keys, but immediately dropped them into a puddle, when I heard footsteps.

Jesus, Y/N, stop being so damn paranoid! This is a parking lot! I reminded myself, even though it was kind of late and not many people were around. I squatted down to get my keys with a sigh and was trying to clean some mud of them, when I noticed someone's shadow falling over me. I quickly stood up and turned around, bumping into the person with my chest. I pulled away, firmly holding onto my keys and a feeling of relief flooded my mind as I recognized the familiar face.

"J-Jack... Hey, you scared me." I smiled nervously and shifted my feet, studying the strange grin on his face. He just stood there without saying a word, but I didn't mind as I was preoccupied with observing him. His green hair seemed a bit darker in the evening light, perhaps also because it was soaked by the pouring rain, his eyes watching me, almost staring into my soul, and black earrings, which I haven't noticed during our first meeting.

He laughed quietly, shaking his head in disappointment, "Try again!" he said, his eyes turning black and his smile getting crazier. I gasped for air and took a step back, recognizing that this was the laughter I kept hearing, I couldn't seem to move, until he reached his hand towards me, causing me to inhale sharply in fear. I quickly turned around and ran to my car as fast as possible, my feet making the puddles splash on my feet. I felt the raindrops streaming down my ankles, but I really couldn't care less. I got to my car, unlocked it and grabbed the door handle. Suddenly a hand roughly grabbed my shoulder and turned me around, slamming me painfully against the car. I screamed out in pain and fear, a huge contrast to the pleased smile on his face.

"Who are you?" I whispered, trying to pull myself as far as possible, pressing my back against the cold metal. My breath got very unsteady as he ran his finger down my cheek: "Y/N... don't EVER try to run away from me." he shook his head disapprovingly.

"WHO are you?" I repeated my question, my voice shaking. A million thoughts were racing through my mind. How did he know my name? Who is he? Who is Jack?

He pressed his finger against my lips, whispering back to me: "Shhh. I'm Anti. And you are one hell of a girl. Are you that excited to see me, or that terrified?" He slid his hand down on my chest, making clear that he was referring to my heartbeat. I realized it has been beating like crazy, I could feel it everywhere, even pulsing in my neck. I took a deep breath, but it didn't change anything. I decided to ignore his question and gently pushed his hand away with my trembling hand. Gently, so that it wouldn't anger him. God knows what he might do.

"Did you... did you do that? To Josh?" I said, looking down on his ripped jeans. I couldn't stand looking him in the eyes, I was frightened just by the thought of seeing those black eyes once more. Surprisingly he pulled his hand away and laughed again. "Ah, he had it coming! I had to do something since you acted so cowardly!" he slammed his fist against my car, causing me to jump a little. I quickly stepped away and began walking backwards, away from him. I noticed another man in the parking lot. "Help! Please, help me!" I cried out, hoping for him to hear me. He did, and he immediately walked towards me. "What's up, darling?" he chuckled.

"You realize he can't see me, right?" Anti rolled his eyes and leaned against a nearby car. I opened my mouth and stuttered something, looking back to the guy coming to help me. "I, uh... I..." I simply couldn't get my words out.

The guy smiled more and more as he approached me, getting a bit too close into my personal space, "What's the problem, huh? You here all alone?" he smirked, scanning me with his eyes. He licked his lips: "You looking for some good time?"

My eyes widened, realizing what this man wanted from me. I stepped back and shook my head, crouching my back in fear. Suddenly I heard Anti growl. It was a horrifying sound, followed by his heavy footsteps as he was walking towards us. Now I was sure the man could see him, as he looked at him in confusion just as he was reaching his arm towards me. I heard a horrible noise of Anti breaking the man's arm, then the one and then punching him in the face, causing the stranger to fall.

"Ohh, get up! I'm just getting started!" Anti growled again, grabbing the man by his collar, lifting him up. I screamed out when he buried his fingers in his neck so sharply his blood poured out. The man gasped for air. I covered my mouth with my hands, quickly ran over to my car, got in and drove away as fast as I could. I caught a glimpse of Anti looking at me and then he turned back to continue playing with the stranger.

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