XXVIII. Play Pretend

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I couldn't stop thinking about him. About the little crack in the table, the unsettlingly thin line between reality and horrifying imagination, Dark's threats - or rather promises. Everything felt like a blur, like I myself was standing on the edge of these two worlds, until I was gently pushed into an armchair back in our hotel room. My hand had been bandaged and taken care of my the hotel's nurse, after Anti did a surprisingly outstanding job at pulling the shards out, but I couldn't remember much of it, apart from Jack trying to make an excuse for why I was strong enough to break a glass in my hand. He and Mark were now standing in front of me as if they were trying to make sure I wouldn't run away, and from the corner of my eye, I could see Anti by the door, nervously watching us. 

"Are you sure you're okay? You haven't really said much, and I'm worried!" Jack urged, watching me patiently. Of course I wanted to tell them what was really going on, but looking at him, I couldn't. I forced a smile and shook my head, resting it on the back of the sofa. 

"I'm fine, really-"

"What's that?" he exclaimed, leaning closer towards me and inspecting my neck by running his fingers over my skin. That was all I needed to remember - remember Anti's lips right in that place last night. I could imagine the deep dark love bites Jack was referring to. 

Before I could come up with an excuse, Mark whispered something into Jack's ear, and I watched as he furiously turned towards Anti. "They did what?!" 

I pressed my lips together, as Anti lifted his hands up in defense, and Mark grabbed Jack's hand, trying to calm him down. 

"Y/N, are you out of your mind? He's a goddamn demon and he tried to kill us!" he spoke through his teeth, as he turned back to me. 

"We tried to kill him too..." I whispered carefully, trying to avoid eye contact. He inhaled sharply through his nose, but before he could say anything, Mark was pulling him away and out of the room. "Don't worry, you guys, he'll be fine. You get some rest!" he smiled at me and opened the door. 

"I'll kill you," Jack pointed his finger at Anti, before he was finally pushed into the hallway and the door closed behind them.

 I couldn't bear to look at Anti's smug smile, and I buried my face in my hands, hissing. I heard his footsteps approach and then he squatted down, gently wrapping his hands around my wrists. 


"Yeah?" I whispered, as he slowly pulled my hands away from my face. 

"Will you tell me the truth now that they're gone?" 

I sighed. Watching him right now was a bit too painful. I knew that by saying it, I would tear apart the last remaining bit of the calmness, that there would be no more lying next to him in peace, no more hugs. But I couldn't lie to him, and so I shifted myself towards him and fell into his embrace. 

"I saw Dark," I mumbled into his shoulder, and I felt him tense up. I knew I had done it. His hand slowly ran down my back, as he nodded. 

"I thought so." 

We stayed like that for a really long time, but it still didn't feel like enough. I eventually pulled away anyway. He watched me for a second, before pressing his lips against mine, and his fingers gently running through my hair. I tried to do the same, but was immediately reminded by sharp pain that I should keep my hands to myself. He chuckled and got up, helping me up on my feet as well. 

I made my way into the bathroom, where I was confronted by a scary, or rather scared image of myself in the mirror. I fixed my hair and splashed my face with an ice cold water. Slowly, I opened my eyes, and noticed black bruises around my neck. Way worse than love bites could ever be, they were deep black, with a red outline, and as I struggled to breathe, I realized what caused them - strangling. I panicked and swiftly turned around, only to feel a real hand wrapped around my throat. It was Anti, but there was something different about him. I grabbed his wrist and did my best to struggle, causing everything around me to fall. The door slammed shut, and I heard him giggle. 

"Look at what your lover boy did to you! Foolish, both of you!" he laughed and his image glitched. There was a loud knocking on the door, way too loud, echoing all around me. 

"Y/N?!" I heard Anti shout from the other room, as Dark finally showed his real image. He loosened his grip and I bumped into the sink trying to pull away, "D o n ' t   c o n f u s e   h i m   w i t h   s o m e t h i n g   h e ' s   n o t ,   d a r l i n g ," he stated coldly and disappeared, just as Anti bursted into the room, watching me in horror. But he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at my neck. Something was telling me he knew exactly how those bruises got onto my throat, and it surely wasn't a thing of passion. 

I took a deep breath and was ready to tell him about everything, but before I knew it, he was in front of me, and to my discomfort, holding his knife. 

"Anti?!" I sputtered, as he pushed the sharp blade onto my neck. 

"Where is she?!" he screamed out, watching me with overwhelming insanity in his eyes. 

"It's me, Anti, it's-" 

I felt it cut a bit into my skin, and I held my breath, closing my eyes painfully. 

S e e   h i m   f o r   w h a t   h e   i s. 

I could hear Dark's voice echoing in my head with an unbearable loudness, when suddenly I felt him take the knife down, and watched as he stormed out of the room. 

I ran into the hallway after him, and saw him there. Standing over a dead body, whose blood was soaking the carpet around it. I gasped for air as I realized who that was - Jack. The lights flickered, and it was Dark now standing over him. At the end of the hallway, I cought a glimpse of the real Anti leaving the building, and I started running after him. 

A door opened as I ran past and Jack's head peeked out. "Y/N?! What's wrong?!" 

I couldn't look back. I was terrified of what else Dark would make me see, what else he would try to drive me insane with, but as I ran out of the hotel, I understood he succeeded with Anti. Whatever he made him see, was enough to make him lose his mind. And now he was out there, with a sharp knife in his hand, with lots of people outside for Halloween, and I knew I had to do something. 

I heard Jack and Mark screaming my name, but it was too late for me to go back, I couldn't stop myself. And so Dark got exactly what he wanted - us, separated, going insane, and foolishly willing to be broken for each other. 


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