XIV. Way Too Close

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My mom kept looking at me patiently, waiting for a response, but I was too busy watching Anti casually walking into the kitchen. I struggled to get my words out, but before I came back to my senses, I heard Anti giggling.

"Yes, yes, we are! I'm a little bit offended you haven't told them, Y/N." he smiled at me cunningly as my mom pulled me into the kitchen, where I was immediately squished again by my dad's hug.

"Hey, honey! Did I hear something about dating?" dad grinned, before turning to Anti and shaking his hand. I knew this was an exciting moment for him, as this was the first time I've ever brought a boy home. Too bad it wasn't true and the cute smiling boy was actually a murder obsessed demon apparently on his mission to drive me insane.

I looked at Anti in disbelief, but remembering the threatening grin, I quickly nodded. "Oh, yeah! I guess I... forgot?" I smiled nervously. I felt very uncomfortable standing in the kitchen of all places. I quickly grabbed a knife lying on the counter. "I'll help you cook!" I exclaimed, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically. Anti smirked, clearly realizing my obvious attempt at not leaving the sharp blade for him to attack anybody. My parents got back to cooking, too, and I have to admit it was a pretty cozy feeling of us all preparing food together, until I heard a sharp sound of Anti pulling another knife from the knife holder. I quickly caught his wrist and begged him with my eyes.

He leaned towards me and gently tucked my hair behind my ear. "Use this one instead. Much sharper. Cuts deeper," he noted and his touch sent shivers down my spine. He got behind me and pressed the knife into my hand. "Don't worry... Just be a good girl." he whispered and with his hand on mine, he helped me slice the vegetable.

It all felt a bit too familiar - his hand forcing mine, him against my back, the uncomfortable whispers and confusing closeness. I knew he was trying to make me think of Josh, of what I have done. My eyes were slowly getting flooded by tears and as I looked through them at my parents, all I saw was them happy, joking with each other. I haven't seen them this excited in a very long time. I blinked rapidly and wiped my eyes with my sleeve, before realizing Anti's head was on my shoulder.

"Aww, you two," I suddenly heard my mom, "why don't you go show Jack your old room? We'll handle the rest!" she smiled at me lovingly and I was certainly not going to miss an opportunity to get Anti away from my parents. I grabbed his hand and was pulling him away in a hurry. He intertwined his fingers with mine, "I also expect some embarrassing stories during the dinner!" he shouted before I gave him a nasty look out of their sight and gestured for him to go upstairs, jerking my hand away from his.

He laughed whole-heartedly at my anger and without any trouble picked me up and carried me up the stairs. "Put me down," I hissed at him, but to no avail. He got to the door to my old room and stepped inside, slowly twirling around.

"Oh, how romantic is this, honey! I'm learning more about my beautiful girlfriend!" he gushed, putting me down. I carefully closed the door and turned to him, probably red with anger. I started punching his chest. "No, no, no, no!! This is NOT romantic and I'm NOT your girlfriend! Why are you trying to drive me insane?! Don't you fucking dare hurt them, I swear to god, I will-!"

Before I knew it, I was lying in my bed, him on top of me, his hand around my neck. I gasped for air and tried to pull away, but he leaned in closer. "You will what, love? What will you do?" he smirked at me, his eyes melting into mine. As always, I was lost for words. A thousand thoughts were intertwining in my mind.

"I said, no worries. No one's getting hurt if you don't misbehave." His grip loosened a bit and I wrapped my hand around his, softly pushing it away from my throat. I was having trouble trying to steady my breathing. Anti leaned in even closer, teasingly brushing his lips against my hot skin.

Suddenly he pulled away and rolled over next to me, laughing. "You're not such a scaredy-cat anymore. I knew you had it in you."

I painfully closed my eyes and ran my hand over the spot where he was touching me a few seconds ago. "I'm not? Actually, you still terrify me a lot." I whispered and opened my eyes again, only to see him observing my room with an amused smile on his face.

"We're always terrified of our own reflections, aren't we?" he teased.

"I'm nothing like you." I frowned at him and watched him carefully observe all the stuffed animals on my bed, which I was immediately taking from his hands and shoving them on the ground.

"Oh, love, you have no idea." he grinned at me. Suddenly I wished I never took him upstairs. It all felt a bit too intimate, a bit too real, as if he was getting a bit too close. And he indeed was, his arm was now around my hips and our bodies were almost touching. Everything inside me was screaming at me, trying to get me to stop and wake up, but something about him was pulling me closer, no matter how hard I was trying to resist. I felt his lips on mine and I slowly closed my eyes, running my hand through his green hair. His tongue forced its way through my lips and intertwined with mine.

"Y/N! Jack! Dinner is ready!" my mom loudly exclaimed downstairs and woke me up from Anti's intoxicating kiss. He quickly got up, and smiled at me with his sharp teeth, before flashing his black eyes, turning around and walking away.

What am I doing?


Hello cuties! 

I hope you're all doing well!! Thank you so much for reading/commenting/voting/putting up with my shenanigans, I really appreciate it sooo much! ♥ 

Also, I don't think I'll ever be over Anti (who could be?). I'll be a fan until I die. 



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