XXXI. Always here

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I stood still, as did the time. Dark's eyes were piercing right through my soul. I shivered. He smiled. Bared his teeth in an entertained smile. He had me trapped. The ticking of the clock seemed to get louder. It was mocking me too. So stupid. So naive. 

I felt sick, dizzy. My hand reached behind me as I stumbled, and I leaned against a wooden cabinet. He was slowly making his way towards me. Am I going to die like this? 

Suddenly a wave of adrenalin rushed over me and I ran out into the kitchen. I heard Dark snicker behind me and sigh. "A r e  w e   r e a l l y   g o i n g   t o   p l a y   c a t   a n d   m o u s e ?   J u s t   w h a t  I   w a s   h o p i n g   f o r ." 

But I wasn't listening. All I could hear was my own heartbeat and the strangely deafening ticking of the clock. Frantically, I lunged towards the drawers but before I could even open one of them, a knife set on the countertop caught my eye. It seemed weirdly out of place, just lying there in the middle- 

I grabbed it firmly until my knuckles turned white, sharply turned around, and as soon as Dark's face appeared in the doorway, I chucked it at him with all my force. He yelled as the blade easily slid into the skin on his throat and he placed his hand under it to catch the blood dripping down onto his white shirt. I gasped, but didn't feel like sticking around for more, and before I knew it, I busted out the back door and was running and running and running. The sky darkened and murmured. Quietly at first, but soon it turned into loud rumbling menacing thunder. The grass was whipping my ankles as I made my way through the garden and out over a fence. The rain started coming down all of a sudden and I slid on the wet ground, but quickly picked myself up as I heard Dark screaming my name behind me. Lifting my hand above my eyes, I was hoping to see through the dense curtain of rain, but in vain. I should know where I am. I should know where I am headed. I've been back here countless times. But suddenly nothing seemed familiar. 

The thunder rumbled again as Dark screamed at me, and just for a second the lightning illuminated my way. The heavy raindrops were biting into my cold skin as I ran, when it just stopped. I heard the rain, but could barely see it. I turned around a few times and squinted to notice there were tall trees towering over me. I didn't know this forest. I wasn't allowed this far from the house when I was little. I tried to swallow the dryness in my mouth when I realized. 

"I'm lost," I whispered. 

Dark's laugh pierced through the distant thunder and the steady splattering of the rain against the treetops. "Y o u   a r e   n o t   l o s t   i f   n o   o n e   i s   l o o k i n g   f o r   y o u ."

I screamed as his hand grabbed my shoulder and managed to pull myself away from his grasp. Even though I could only see him from the corner of my eye before taking off again, I noticed the blood seeped into his crisp white shirt. 

It felt like I was running forever and in circles. I was getting tired, but hearing Dark's footsteps behind me was enough to keep me going. Where are you, Anti? Where are you?  

"Y/N!" a familiar voiced echoed somewhere close, and I turned towards it. 


Jack's Point Of View

"You can't go alone, don't be crazy. I'll go with you," Mark offered and I frowned. Why would he go? Why not send the one who caused all this? 

"Shouldn't Anti go?" I asked and pointed at him, as he was lying in bed. He looked terrible. Suddenly not at all dangerous. Not a threat. 

"Are you kidding? Look at him." 

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