XXIV. Delusional

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Anti's Point Of View

I watched helplessly as life was slowly vanishing from Y/N's eyes. Everything felt numb. Everything was too loud, too real. I could hear Dark's voice as if in a distance, talking in a threatening tone, the voices in my head screaming, but at that moment, I couldn't care less. She was dead and I knew it was completely and undeniably my fault. I killed her. 

I was hoping to feel her hand squeeze mine once again, but I knew that was not happening. Slowly, I slid my fingers down her eyes, closing them, and hesitantly let go of her hand. I was covered in her blood, and even the sight of that was tearing me apart. 

"I  s a i d , g e t   i t   t o g e t h e r!" Dark shouted behind me and crudely pulled me up on my feet, "N e e d   a  m o m e n t   t o   c r y ? A  t i s s u e?  H o w   p a t h e t i c !" he snarled. I growled, picturing all the ways I could hurt him right now. Dark lifted his eyebrows in surprise, "Y o u   s h o u l d   k n o w   y o u r   p l a c e ,   A n t i .   I t ' s   c e r t a i n l y . . .   b e l o w   m e ."

I quickly grabbed his arm and threw him against the wall. No pain I was able to cause him was going to satisfy me.  Dark picked himself back up, fixing his suit, his head twitching. "D o   y o u   r e a l l y   w a n t   t o   d o   t h i s   a g a i n ?!" he barked at me, but I had no time for his pointless talking. I was ready to fight him, to bring him to the brink of death, as close as I could possibly get. Everything inside me was screaming in anger, I couldn't think straight. 

He reached for Jack, who was watching us in disbelief, trying to shift towards Y/N unnoticed. I grabbed Dark's arm and violently broke it against me knee, pinning him to the wall. He screamed out in pain, a big aggressive smile growing on his face. Without hesitation he tackled me to the ground, and sharply buried his fingers in my eyes. I felt the warm blood pouring out onto my cheeks. The pain was almost unbearable, but it was nothing compared to the rage that I felt. Towards him, towards myself. My hands shot up to his throat, wrapping tightly around it, I was trying to push him away, but he was not backing up. 

Dark scoffed at my hopeless effort and tightly grabbed my hair, turning my head towards Y/N's body. I was blind, but I could still feel the warmth of her skin. "I   b e t   y o u ' d   l i k e   t o   s e e   h e r   a g a i n ,   h u h ?   O h ,   y o u   c a n ' t ?   W e l l ,   l e t   m e   t e l l   y o u ,   A n t i ,   s h e ' s   v e r y   l o v e l y .   B e a u t i f u l !   A n d   d e a d .   T h a n k s   t o   y o u .   Y o u   d i d   w e l l ,   s l i t t i n g   h e r   t h r  o a t .   S h e   d i e d ,   t e r r i f i e d   o f   y o u .   T h a t   i s   w h o   y o u   a r e !   Y o u   a r e   a   k i l l e r ,   A n t i ,   n o  t   a   l o v e r ! " he shouted, slamming my head against the cold ground. I wanted to fight back, I really did. But instead, I let go of his neck, and slowly, I felt a smile creeping onto my lips, and eventually laughing. "W h a t' s o  f u n n y?!" he growled, obvious confusion in his voice. I covered my bleeding eyes with my hands, shaking my head. 

"You... you have no idea, Dark," I whispered, my hands suddenly shot up to his neck, and I stuck my nails into his throat. I heard him gasp, felt his blood flowing down my arms. I felt myself becoming getting my power back, becoming strong enough for one more thing...

I have to go back. I have to fix this. 


Your Point Of View

Today was an exceptionally bad day. Loneliness was flooding my mind, and all I wanted was to stop thinking about it. At least that's how I would justify ordering a glass of wine at 4 pm. This was the perfect place to relax - in a café, a book right in front of me - except I couldn't focus. Often I found myself staring absently through my glass. It's time to go back home, I thought as I chugged the rest of the wine and quickly got up, bumping into the person behind me, I dropped the glass with a gasp. I couldn't hear it hit the ground. 

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