X. Deja vu

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"Y/N... Y/N... Wake up," a gentle voice echoed all around me. Slowly, and with an exhausting effort I opened my eyes. A beautiful view of a night sky filled with stars offered itself to me. A strange mist surrounded my body, which felt unusually light, as if I was floating. It took me a second to realize I was lying on my back on a wet and cold road.

"Y/N..." the voice echoed again, this time sounding a bit closer to me. I quickly sat up and looked around, finding myself in a dark street, but no one was to be seen. The street was illuminated only by a flickering streetlight. My head was pounding as I struggled to pick myself up. I began walking through the street, unsure of where I was going.

I got to the end of the street and noticed a shadowy figure standing at a store window, their back turned away from me. I was relieved to finally see someone, so I began running towards them.

"Um... excuse me?" I said when I finally stood behind them.

The person turned around and moonlight gently illuminated their face and I caught a glimpse of their green hair. I took a step back.

"Oh, hey... Y/N, right? From the café?" he smiled, and then immediately gave me a concerned look, "Are you okay?"

I kept looking at him in confusion: "I... y-yes. Jack, right?" I forced a polite smile while observing his face, trying to figure out whether this was Anti playing tricks on me. I noticed he looked a bit different, a bit more... human-like.

"Good memory! What are you doing out so late?" Jack asked.

"I really don't know, to be honest. I don't even know where I am right now and I'm like totally freaking out!" I blurted out, barely breathing.

"I can walk you home if you want." he offered, giving me one more reassuring smile. Suddenly I felt safe, maybe Anti was only my imagination. Maybe...?

"Y/N... Y/N... Wake up," a voice echoed all around me. I opened my eyes sharply and stared at the night sky for a while. What the hell?

I stood up and frowned at the flickering streetlight. Where is Jack? I looked around the street, but couldn't see anyone. I ran to the end of the street and saw him standing there, looking into the store window. Wow, Deja vu much?

"Um... hi! Jack, right?" I smiled at him, when he turned around. He smiled back, "Y/N! What are you doing out so late?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I honestly have no idea. I probably drank too much... Would you be so kind and walked me home?" He nodded and put his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry. I'm here now."

"Y/N... Y/N... Wake up"

I gasped for air and quickly got myself up from the cold road. The light flickered, allowing me to see I was the only one outside. I quickly got to the end of the street and saw him standing there.


"You're out late, Y/N... You shouldn't be," he raised his voice, before turning towards me.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion and kept staring at him. "I know... can you... walk me home?" I whispered.

He laughed and his laughter echoed all around me, filling every bit of the empty street. "Home? So you can be alone again? Away from everyone? Hiding from your problems?" he hissed at me. Shivers crept up my spine, making me take a step back and putting my hands up in defense.

"Y/N... Y/N... Wake up."

I think I'm losing my mind. This can't be real.

I looked up at the streetlight. This time it didn't even flicker, it was completely dark, as if it was mocking me for trying to find my way home. Very slowly I got to the end of the street, which now seemed to be longer than before. Jack was standing there, staring into the window. As I got closer, I could hear him whispering to himself. I was so afraid to even say anything. I looked around, trying to find someone else.

He turned around and to my surprise, he smiled at me. "Oh... Y/N? What are you doing here all alone?" he giggled.

I just stood there, unsure of what to say, tears started flooding my eyes and making their way down my cheeks, "I'm lost..." I whispered.

"Noo, don't cry! Don't worry, I'll take you home" he said, his voice filled with concern. He took a step towards me and very carefully wrapped his hands around me, as if making sure I trust him. His hug offered a much needed comfort and I rested my forehead against his shoulder, while his hand gently rubbed my back.

"Shhh... It will all be over soon," he whispered.

I froze and then slowly looked up at his face, his smile baring his sharp teeth and his eyes blacker than the darkness surrounding us.

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