XVI. Lonely

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I took a step back as lightning struck once more, illuminating Mia's face and reflecting off her teeth in a strange smile. My hip painfully hit the edge of a dresser, as I was trying to back away. There is no way she's alive. The memory of her cold dead eyes watching me after I stabbed her to death sent cold shivers down my spine.

"Oh, you remember me?" she spoke calmly, but with something unsettling in her voice, she stepped inside the hallway. I watched her take a look around, and as she was getting closer, my hand wandered around on the dresser, until I felt cold metal scissors in my palm. I firmly wrapped my hand around them, ready to use them against her. Mia giggled silently and slowly raised her arm, reaching towards me. I held my breath and pulled away, trying to keep my distance to be able to attack her. Suddenly I could hear strong wind howl outside, slamming the door shut. It startled me just as I was about to stab her and she pulled away. I quickly turned the lights on.

I watched her in anticipation and she was staring into my eyes, when I noticed her lips jerk softly. She burst into laughter and pointed towards me.

"Wow, that was good! Your face was priceless!" she managed to mumble through her hysterical laughter, "What's wrong, you're afraid of a little storm?"

I blinked a few times in confusion and finally got a good look at her, but to my relief, she looked completely fine. There were no stab wounds, no blood, and her eyes were watching me with honest amusement. I opened my mouth to speak, but she interrupted me.

"Oh, don't worry, I won't tell anyone!" she giggled and continued walking to the living room. I noticed Anti standing in its doorway, a big grin across his face. His gaze slowly shifted onto my hand, where I was still firmly holding the damn scissors. I slammed them against the dresser, angry at him for getting into my head. His mind games were starting to drive me insane, I started wondering what else of what had happened was just him messing with my brain. He laughed maliciously and followed Mia with his eyes, as she was walking past him, clearly not being able to see him.

"What are you doing here, Mia?" I finally managed to say, before leaning against the other side of the doorway. She took a seat on the edge of a couch and shrugged her shoulders.

"Honestly... I heard you are back in town, and I haven't seen you in so long... For some reason, I felt like I needed to come see you," she nodded.

"Really? Despite the storm outside?" I asked and frowned at Anti, who was watching us with that cocky smile on his face. He noticed my suspecting gaze and got closer to me, leaning towards me. "Ooh, she's cute, isn't she?" he whispered and suddenly appeared behind Mia.

"Oh, please. Not everyone is a scaredy cat like you, Y/N. Anddd I was also kind of walking home, so I needed a place to stay for a while," she confessed, an innocent smile spreading across her wet cheeks. I wanted to smile back, but I couldn't focus with Anti right behind her.

"Well, I'm glad you're here!" I bursted out, probably way too enthusiastically.

"Would be a shame if something happened to her..." Anti threatened and slowly dragged a sharp knife across her throat. I struggled to stay calm, I could see she couldn't feel anything, but there was still something unsettling about it.

"Please, just don't," I whispered, "Don't worry about it, you're welcome here!" I added, seeing the confusion in her eyes. Anti blinked, his eyes now flooded with darkness, and with a horrifying smile sunk the knife into her pale skin. I tried to scream out, but nothing came out. I watched her gasp for air and her hand reach towards me.

"Y/N... Help me," she gnarled painfully, a stream of blood pouring out of the wound. Everything inside of me screamed at me to help her, to do something, but I couldn't bring myself to move. My eyes were glued on her, I felt almost hypnotized. Anti slowly pulled away from her, twisting the knife around in his hand and when I looked back at Mia, everything was back to normal, except the concerned look on her face. "Y/N, are you okay? I think I should go, you need some sleep," she noted and swiftly stood up, "Don't worry, I'll see you around," she added, before planting a soft kiss on my cheek and walking away. I waved back at her and when the doors closed behind her, I slowly turned towards Anti. So much anger and frustration was burning me from the inside and I was ready to take it all out on somebody, and he - the cause of everything - was ideal. I leaped towards him and ripped the damn knife out of his hands. He looked up at me, I could almost see something innocent in his eyes, but I knew for sure that was just another illusion.

"Go," I barked at him angrily. He tilted his head to the side, clearly not understanding what I was asking from him. "I said go! Get out of here!" I yelled, "You can't keep doing this to me, I am not your little toy to play with! You've done enough and had your fun, now GET. OUT!" I was shaking in anger, and at this moment, I felt no fear while looking him in the eyes. He bared his teeth at me and growled, before quickly getting up, his chest touching mine.

"Don't think for a second you can get away from me," he said, trying to intimidate me.

"GO!" I repeated. I could see him getting more and more angry, when suddenly the lights flickered and went out. When they came on next, he was gone. I was standing there all alone, and suddenly everything felt okay. It felt like I was home, and I caught myself wishing he was just a bad dream, too. I sat down in the armchair he previously was in and raised the knife, still in my hand, as I took it away from him. I was turning it around in my hands, when suddenly a whole new feeling made my heart ache.

I was here all alone, lonelier than I've ever been before, and worst of all, in the most frustrating and twisted way, I missed him. 


Hey, cuties! 

I hope you're all doing well! 

Over 10k reads?? When did this happen?? HOW? THANK U SO MUCH I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY, YOU ARE ALL SWEETHEARTS ♥♥

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