XXV. Hard Feelings

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Anti's Point Of View

Just the thought of having to watch life disappear from her eyes once again hurt, and I knew that Dark was very well aware of that. He knew where to push, where to cut, just to get what he wanted. But right now it was not him who I was angry at, it was myself. I should have been more careful, never should've picked her in the first place. The guilt was sinking its sharp teeth deep into my skin and the feeling was unbearable. I was clenching my fists, my nails digging painfully into my palms, trying to keep calm, trying to silence the aggresive voices in my head. 

Dark took a step towards me and leaned in, threateningly gazing into my eyes. "I  s a i d . . .    l e t ' s   g o ." he stated impatiently and pushed me towards the building's door. I caught a glimpse of him in the glass and I could see he was quite eager about whatever it was he was planning. How am I supposed to protect her from him? 

This is all your fault! She's going to die because of you and there's nothing you can do!

I was trying to focus on reality, but was constantly being distracted by the voices. I could feel the guilt eating me up, as I followed Dark into the apartment. Silently, he made his way into the kitchen, observing everything carefully. I remembered it all - her fear, the strawberries, the endless and insatiable hunger for revenge, her hopeless attempt of getting rid of me. My lips started curving up into a smile. 

Killer, not a lover! Killer, not a lover! Killer, not a lover! 

The chanting was too loud, too agonizing, and there was no escape from it. I turned my back to Dark, closed my eyes and slid my hands into my hair, pulling on it desperately. Shut up!

A silent grunt came from the bedroom, and my whole body froze. I listened for a second, hoping to not hear her footsteps, but all I could hear was her calm breathing. 

"W h a t   i s   i t   y o u   n e e d   f o r   y o u r   l i t t l e   t i m e   g  l i t c h   t r  i c k ?   A   h u m a n   s a c r i f i c e ,   i f   I ' m   n o t   m i s t a k e n ?" Dark asked calmly, and pulled out a knife from a stand with a loud slash. I turned towards him and nodded grudgingly. He twisted the knife around in his hand and gave me a smile. "W e l l   l u c k i l y   f o r   u s ,   I   k n o w    j u s t   t h e   r i g h t   g i r l ," he noted. His whole attitude was driving me insane. All I wanted was to take that knife from his hands and do my worst. 

"You're not gonna kill her, are you?" I finally asked, little drops of blood now rolling off my palms. 

Dark snickered and shook his head. "O h ,  n o ,   A n t i . . .   Y o u   a r e . " 

Aggressively, I snatched the knife from his hand. I could feel my blood boil with rage, but Dark wasn't even phased by it. He grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bedroom, pushing me closer to her bed. Y/N was sleeping peacefully, her arms wrapped around a stuffed animal. A sad smile crept onto my lips, as I grasped the knife. Dark clicked his tongue disapprovingly, and took it out of my hands. I looked at him in surprise. He was smiling, and more than anything I wanted to believe he changed his mind. 

"N o   k n i v e s . S t r a n g l  e   h e r ," he stated, coldblooded. 

I growled at him, fed up with everything, but before I could attack him, he grabbed my hair painfully and pushed me towards her. She turned on her back and slowly opened her eyes. 

"J-Jack?" she whispered, confused and half-asleep. 

"U n l e s s   y o u   w a n t   m e   t o   d o   i t ,   I   s u g g e s t   y o u   g e t   t o   w o r k ! " Dark hissed angrily. I knew his threats were not just a talk. 

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