XIII. Unfortunately in Love

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I could hear the gentle chirping of birds outside my window as I slowly opened my eyes. The window offered me a slight glimpse of a beautiful day outside. I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I really was back home, back in my bed. All of a sudden everything felt so... calm? Normal?

A sharp pain in my chest woke me up from my confused thoughts and I firmly pressed my hand on the exact spot where I saw Anti's knife just a second ago. Terrified, I pulled up my shirt expecting to see a horrible wound, but to my surprise my skin was intact, and the pain was also starting to go away. I stood up and listened for a moment, trying to hear if anyone is in my apartment. Anyone... Anti, of course. Where was he? How did I even get back home?

It doesn't matter, the most important thing is that he is finally gone. Maybe I did make all of this up, I thought, but the image of my whole family and friends dead and soaked in blood was still vivid in my mind, and it was eating me alive. I have to make sure they're okay, I kept repeating to myself as I was running down the building's stairs and headed towards my car. I jumped in and quickly locked the door. Yes, perhaps I was being paranoid, but it did make me feel much safer.

It was only a forty-minute drive to my parent's house, but after a while I caught myself thinking of the worst possible scenarios, so to keep myself calm and occupied, I turned on the car radio. A familiar song was playing and I was silently humming along, when suddenly a sharp static sound disrupted it. I think I forgot how to breathe for a second, but reminded myself to keep a clear head. I pushed some of the buttons, pretending I knew what I was doing. The sound came back, making the song jump and the pitch shift. I took a deep breath and pushed the off button, but it kept playing, now sounding even more ominous. I tried not to pay attention to it, keeping my eyes on the road. I have to make sure they're oka-

A green-haired figure appeared in front of my car, baring his sharp teeth. I quickly hit the brakes and almost hit my head. I looked around, but he was gone. Suddenly the song changed and the sound went back to normal. I smiled and gently nodded, proud of myself for not going crazy. I started the car again and kept going. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

"What a trash song, am I right?" I heard an entertained voice next to me. I felt my body jerk in fear. In the corner of my eye, I could see him, smiling at me, but I wouldn't dare to look at him.

"Mhm... yeah, terrible," I mumbled quietly, struggling to get a full sentence out.

"We have much better music in hell." he nodded. I lifted my eyebrows up in confusion, but was too afraid to ask. Anti bursted out laughing and pushed me with his elbow, making me tense up.

"Aaah, I'm just fookin' with ya! But that was good, should've seen your face!" he kept laughing, clearly enjoying my discomfort. I was determined to not talk to him, or let him distract me. You're not real, you're not real.

"Ooh, I'm very real! Unfortunately for you, I guess, since you keep trying to run away from me," he teasingly patted my thigh, before centering his attention on the radio. He was changing the stations around, making faces at every song he found not good enough, and I was watching him carefully from the corner of my eye.

"What do you want from me, Anti?" I asked and watched him go through my stuff in the glove compartment.

"Oh, don't worry your pretty little head. You'll find out soon enough!" he waved his hand and from all of the things in the compartment, he fished out a small seal keychain. He gave me a very concerned look. I quickly took it from his hand and threw it back, locking the glove box.

"Stop going through my stuff!" I hissed, angry at him for being so casual about everything that was happening. He giggled and leaned back, but after a while he started playing with a small knife. Oh, god. He's definitely trying to drive me crazy.

"You know, Y/N, I'm glad you're finally taking me to meet the parents!" he said, while looking out of the window and turning the knife in his hand.

"Huh? You've never...? It's all in my head, isn't it?" I sighed. He smiled at me, his eyes almost showing some kind of compassion, before turning his head back.

I couldn't stop thinking about what he wanted from me. I knew that he was listening to my thoughts by the way a sly smile crept on his face from time to time, but he didn't say anything to me for the rest of the time I was driving.

Finally, I could see the familiar white house, surrounded by giant hydrangeas. My mom was always big on gardening. When I got out of the car and headed towards the door, I could hear Anti walking behind me. I knocked and reminded myself again to ignore Anti in front of my parents, because it probably wouldn't look normal if I would talk to myself, as I knew they wouldn't be able to see Anti.

The door opened and a charming scent of vanilla and flowers hit my nose, before my mom appeared, wearing a pretty white dress. She screamed out in surprise and hugged me tightly.

"Oh, my god, Y/N! I haven't seen you in so long! I'm so happy you're home!" she exclaimed, as she was still crushing me in her embrace. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her shoulder. I've never felt this happy to see her. I was so afraid Anti might have hurt her, or anyone here back home. After a while I gently pushed her away and smiled.

"And I'm happy to be home, really. Where's dad?"

"Oh, he's in the kitchen, helping me cook. But Y/N, who is this young man?!" she smiled excitedly and I noticed she was looking right at Anti. I gasped for air and struggled to find words.

"That, uh... I..."

Anti gave me a cunning smile and gently kissed my mom's hand.

"Hi! I'm Jack. SUCH a pleasure to finally meet you, Y/N has told me so much about you!" he affirmed and pulled me inside the house. My mom looked kind of surprised, but also very excited. She gestured to Anti to keep walking into the kitchen and then she turned to me.

"Are you two dating?!" she whispered enthusiastically, but I was still having trouble speaking. I peeked over her shoulder and saw Anti. He was slowly walking backwards and as our eyes met, he slid his thumb around his throat with a terrifying smile.


Helloo everybody! 

Thank you so much for reading all the way here, for your kind comments and votes and putting up with my slow writing. I'm starting to have a lot of fun with the story again, I hope you are too ( ・_・)♡ 

Also, ur cute. (ΘεΘ)

- Andrea

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