VII. Buy me dinner first

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When it comes to relationships, luck was never really on my side. Anytime I've fallen in love with someone, I was so sure this was the right person. Everything is going to be okay! Someone finally fell in love with me and they mean it! But it never truly worked out. My blinding naivety made it impossible to see past this rosy mist it created. How many times have I stood there, staring at this person I'd thought would be mine, being introduced to their new partner, lovingly holding each other hands, one of which I'd always thought would be mine, too. A numb smile on my face, while I realize how dumb I had been, thinking someone felt the same way about me as I felt about them. Maybe my problem is that I just fall in love with anyone who's ever nice to me.

But Anti, standing in front of me, observing me with his hypnotizing eyes... He made me feel something entirely different. For the first time in my life I was very puzzled about what I was feeling. I knew what he was capable of - after all I've seen it first hand - but something about him made me feel... safe? Secure? He was standing still, as if giving me time to process everything, or maybe he was simply enjoying looking at me trying to figure him out.

I realized that the whole time I'd been staring at his chest, trying to catch a glimpse of it rising and falling. Sometimes it almost seemed as if it did, but it might have been just him chuckling. Was he even breathing? Does he even need to breathe?

"You know, this doesn't count as a dinner, so stop undressing me with your eyes." he finally broke the silence, waving his hand in front of my face to wake me up from my thoughts. I flinched and quickly pulled away, pressing my head against the cold glass of the kitchen cabinet.

"I wasn't -"

He pressed his hand on my lips, making my heart beat faster, "Do not lie to me," he growled, raising his index finger menacingly. He took his hand down and gave me a quick smile, revealing his sharp fangs. That was all I needed to regain my common sense. Anti stepped back and turned around, looking around my apartment.

"You know, Y/N, the night is still young... I have a LOT more planned!" he said, but I wasn't really listening. My hand was slowly sliding on the kitchen counter, attempting to reach the knife block. Anti kept on talking, but I couldn't hear anything over the loud pulsing in my temples. Very slowly I took the knife out, trying not to make any sound. I got off the counter and hid the blade behind my back, holding it firmly with my sweaty hand.

Anti turned around sharply just as I gathered all my courage and stabbed the sharp knife right into his neck. Blood spurted out of the wound, much darker than average human's. I screamed in horror of what I'd done, but sensed it was my chance to escape. I saw him grab the knife's handle. He gave me a very terrifying look and angrily growled in pain, but I was already running away, struggling to find my car keys in the pile of my other keys. My hands trembled nervously, making the task even harder. I heard loud angry footsteps approaching me, accompanied by Anti's horrifying growls and whispers. I saw him at the other end of the hallway, his head twitching, but now he was holding the blade in his hand, the blood still dripping from it. I screamed and ran for the door, but he pushed me against it, causing me to bang my head against the wooden frame. I gasped for air and cowered, afraid of what was to come.

"DID YOU JUST FUCKING TRY TO KILL ME?!" he cried out, making me even more scared. I felt the warm knife on my throat, "Do NOT ever do that again, do you understand me?!" he shouted at me angrily. I quickly nodded in fear, trying to pull away.

"I...I'm sorry..."

Anti snarled, took the knife down and pulled a black scarf off a hanger beside the door, wrapping it around his slashed throat. I was still incredibly terrified, especially now, watching him deal with the wound I had caused him. His every move made me flinch and his every word made me jump.

"Lucky for you, we have much better plans for tonight," he said, harshly grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door. It was still very dark outside. The cold rain kissed my cheeks and I leaned my head back, closing my eyes. When I opened them next, we were standing in a completely different place. I rubbed my eyes and slowly recognized it - the local hospital. But why?
Anti kept on dragging me through the halls, not giving me a second to look around properly. He pushed me into a room and nodded his head towards the hospital bed. It was Josh. I hardly recognized him through the bandages wrapped around his head, covering his left eye. He seemed to be asleep. I gave Anti a confused look.

He scoffed and raised his hand still holding the bloody knife.

"̟̖̻W̯͈̖͇̜͇̗̆ͯ̆̎̔e̳͕̹̭̣̥̬ͮͤ'̼͔̬͎̺̝̜̓͐̈́r͈͈͒͌̈͌̀̈̚ě̩̻̥̗̼̱͈̊ͭ̑ ̤̱ͨͣ̉̍̈h͈̮̐ͅẽ̌̓ͨ̃͂̚r͇̲̅ė̗̺͙̼̯̅͐̌͑̈͐ ̖̀̃̅̌͂̾t̫̺̱͈͍̦̲̆ͫ̆̀̉o̞͐̃͌̿͛ ͇̲̩̒͗́f̻̹́͒̄i̹̪̮͆͆̊̇̉n̞̺͖͈̯̟̅ͥͩ̌͑̈́̚i̥̻͐̓ṣ̤̖͓͔ͭ̓̍ͅḣ͇ ̣̰̙ͦ͒͌̓t̟̞̍h͓̗̖̙͍̐ͫ̑̾̍̇̚e͑̅̽ͬ̀ͬ ͗̚j͍̹̳̋ͫ͛̂̏ͦ͌o͔̣̺̖̮̘͉ͮ̄̔ͦb̯͓̟̼̳̟̺ͨ̓̓.̲̲̞̳̭ͧͬ̐"͚̃̈̍̅


Hello!!! Thank you all so much for your support in this story. I actually stopped writing, because I thought noone's even reading, but when I checked my wattpad a few days later, I was stunned. You're all amazing, thank you so much, sincerely!  (• ε •) ♥

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