XI. Blood on your hands

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Everything felt numb. As if my feet weren't even touching the ground. There was no wind, no sounds, only the endless darkness in Anti's eyes. The only thing I could feel was his strong grasp on my arms, his sharp nails digging into my skin. I panicked when I realized there was no one around to save me. 

"No, no, no, get away from me!" I screamed, jerking my body in attempt to get away, but Anti just laughed, visibly entertained by my desperate hopelessness. 

"What's wrong, Y/N?! What are you so afraid of?!" he screamed, pushing me away from him. Suddenly everything got dark, even the farthest lamppost went out. I trembled in fear as I could hear Anti walking around me in a circle, but I was unable to see him, no matter how hard I was squinting my eyes.     

"STOP! Please!" I cried out, tears streaming down my red cheeks. I could hear him all around me, his laughter coming from a different place each time. I buried my chin in my chest and closed my eyes tightly, when I heard a sound resembling two knives grinding against each other. The sound was getting closer as he was walking towards me. 

His high-pitched laughter cut through the darkness and I turned around to where it was coming from. I took a step back and bumped into him. Before I could jump away, he wrapped his hands tightly around my waist. "No worries, you're in safe hands now!" Anti whispered into my ear before spinning me around once more. I screamed out and fell on the ground, scraping my palms against the road. I covered my head with my hands, ignoring the pain and the warmth of blood on my hands. 

"Stop being such a coward! Afraid of your own shadow! Look at you! ALWAYS HIDING AWAY!" 

I shook my head, trying to wake up. This is not real. It's not. 

"YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING! Take control of your own life! Or are you really as useless as everyone thinks you are?!" he screamed and I heard a knife fall down before me. Very slowly I lowered my hands and reached towards it. 

"DO SOMETHING!" Anti shouted angrily, I quickly grabbed the knife and went after him. I thoughtlessly stabbed the darkness, aiming for his throat and collapsed onto him as he felt to the ground, but I couldn't stop myself. Anger and frustration filled up every part of my body and I kept stabbing him again and again. I felt the warm blood on my hands and on my face, mixing together with my tears. There was no inner voice of mine telling me to stop, all I could think about was getting rid of him, getting my revenge. My ears were ringing loudly and after a while I could feel his body stopped resisting. It all went quiet. 

Slowly I woke up from the strange euphoria. I collapsed onto the ground next to him and tossed the knife away. All I could hear now was my rapid heartbeat. I rubbed my eyes and when I opened them next, the light was back. I was staring at the sky; the sun was starting to come out. 

"Awh, I knew you had it in you!" I heard a familiar voice. I froze and slowly turned my head towards the body next to me, only to recognize the face of Mia, my old highschool classmate. Her lifeless eyes were staring back at me full of horror and her face was covered in crimson blood, which was still pouring out of her throat. I screamed out and pulled myself away. I couldn't catch my breath. I looked at Anti, who was leaning against a wall and smiling at me. 

"Oh, what's wrong? You thought you could get rid of me?! I'm always here!" he laughed and sunk the other knife into his own neck, sliding it all the way around. Blood poured out, but he didn't seem to care. He laughed and tilted his head to the side.

"Ă̗̻͙̼̦̘͓̽͗͆̆͜r͋̌̂̓͋ë̦̻̮̝͐ͫ̇̎́ ̲̱͖͇̩̍͆̈́͟w̗̣̞̠ͭ͜ͅḛ̩̞̭̩ͅ ̄̀͂͗̑ͧ͘ẖ̪͐͌ȧ̗̠̹̪̋v̤̱̝̣̜͎̤͊͊͊͗̓͋̓i͓̙͡n̡̉̋͊̊g̺̟͉͙̯̪̠ͥͥͪ́̚ ̨͙͔ͩ͌ͥ̀̈́fͤ͒͂ͬ͒u̡̍̋̊ñ̠̭̄͐ͨ̇ ̷̥̬̼̮̗̺͇̾y͖̞ͮ͗̾̈̓͋ͨé̡̟̻̰͎͍͖͊̃̐t̤̫͖̜͍͕͔̀̈́̿͋̆̌̓?̟͍̘̜̓̉͊̀"


Hello there! 
It took me so long to finally write something new. I was feeling kind of down lately, but I think I'm finally back. I hope you have been well ♥

Thank you again for reading, voting, commenting, being you, being beautiful and, uh, looking cute when you're sleeping (⊙ヮ⊙) 

Just kidding! 

(Or am I? ‹•.•›

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