II. Nightmare

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Y/N... Y/N...

I rolled over in my bed and stuck my right foot out of the comforting warmth of my blanket. I grunted and didn't even bother to open my eyes. Suddenly a creepy laughter pierced the silence of the darkness of my room. I quickly sat up and looked around, pressing my blanket to my chest. My heart started beating faster and I gasped for air. My eyes searched around the room, which was furnished very sparingly. I mean, I was already spending most of my money on the rent, so all I had in my bedroom was a big white metal bed, a dark brown wardrobe, a big golden mirror leaning against the wall and a beautiful antique blush pink armchair, which I bought last summer at 3 am while completely drunk. It cost me a lot of money, but it turned out to be my favourite reading spot, because it was positioned right in front of the window and it was facing my bed, so I wouldn't have to go far if I felt sleepy. I rubbed my eyes, Jesus, am I really such a lightweight? Two glasses of wine? I thought.

My hand reached for my phone and I turned it on, blinding myself for five seconds. I blinked a few times and finally could read the clock. 2.38 am.

I lied back down and decided to set an alarm for myself, otherwise I'd end up sleeping through the whole day. Suddenly the screen glitched and froze. I tapped it furiously, "Really? Come on!" I murmured silently, but the phone got even more glitchy and made a horrible static sound. "I'm here..." I heard a silent high-pitched voice say. I whimpered and quickly pushed my phone under my pillow, turned around and pulled my blanket all the way over my head. I wrapped my hands around my stuffed bunny and buried my face in its soft plush.

This is not actually happening. You're just hearing things. I kept repeating to myself trying to feel less scared, but my whole body was hidden under the blanket. I started feeling a bit hot after a while, but there was no damn way I'd stick my feet out. My own reassuring murmuring helped me fall asleep again soon and I hoped for a nice dream to soothe my racing mind.

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