16♢.Pissed Puppies & Shredded Hearts.

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Next was Western dude's turn to turn tomato red. He went and punched Puppy on the gut.

I was getting a bit nervous because I am not a fan of violence and I obviously don't want to get involved in another murder.

They kept on punching and kicking each other. By now Western dude has a nose bleed and Puppy has a black eye! Oh shit.

I tried screaming to get their attention but no. I clapped my hands and stomped my feet but no. Next I did the most unbelievable thing.

I sat down on my knees and started crying. Fake obviously. I looked back up to see that they stopped.

"This is the worst day ever. How can you do this to an innocent little snake like me? I had no part in this. Now I will have to burry both of your dead bodies and there will be no one to take me home. I will never eat pizza or watch Friends again. And mom will be extra heartbroken and dissapointed at you Puppy." I fake sobbed and they were dumbfounded. Thanks to my talanted drama teacher in sixth grade, my acting skills were high up.

"Sweetie I.." Western dude starts but I cut him off standing up. "Don't you sweetie me hippo! You both will apologize to each other and pinky swear you will never punch people for stupid reasons." I glare at them both.

"F*ck no." Puppy says calmly and suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me away from Western dude to wear my car was.

"Hey! Let go Puppy! I can walk on my own you know." Anthole didn't even flinch.

"This isn't over Harris! And next time you won't be the only one with a bruised eye!" I looked back to see Western dude stupidly hollering at us. Well, we could have been great friends.

We were halfway near the car when I got mad and stomped Puppie's foot. He cursed and glared at me with so much anger and let go of my arm. I death glared back but he ignored me and went in my car and sat on the driver's seat. The hell?!

"This was not the deal, you were supposed get me petrol and let me drive my own freaking car!" I say logically.

"You probably don't have enough brains to drive a car Snake. I'll do this and its final." Ouch. Judgemental much?

"Well then how did I get a fluffing  licence huh? And it's not like you have better brains than me to go on street fighting with old friends and getting your eye bruised." I say in annoyance.

"Shut up and just tell me where you live so I can get over with this." He says blankly.

For a few minutes we drove in silence. "Hey Puppy? Why were you so rude to Western dude in the first place?" No answer.

"Are you always rude to your friends like that? because I'm warning you that one day, you will loose everyone if you are." He was still concentrating on driving.

"How is your black eye doing Puppy?" I say looking at his face. Woah. That messed up his gorgeous face a bit.

"Do you punch people a lot when you are pissed? Because I think that's unreasonable, like what if you accidently kill them? Well, you should atleast be happy you both are alive and there were no funerals involved. By the way, do you know face looks 'unlookable' when you're pissed? Like you have a pretty face and pretty faces are not supposed to look ugly like a pissed Puppy. Ew, pissed Puppy? Seems like a Puppy or you in this case just pissed your pant..." I continued to ramble when the car suddenly pulled over and I felt my head shake.

"Will. You. Shut. The. Fuck. Up?" He leans closer to my face from the driver's seat and says it slowly and dangerously, his face was full of so much anger and hatred.

My heart started to beat really fast. I could practically hear it in my chest. For the second time after the phsyco incident, I actually felt scared.

I felt tears brink at the corner of my eyes. No. Don't you dare cry Tori! But how could I not? I had enough violence and shock to last for one day.

"Sheesh, you aren't the only one with a rough day you know." My voice shakes a bit but I hope he didn't realize I was actually crying.

He remained silent and kept on driving. Why didn't he just let me drive myself home? Maybe then, all this unessacary drama wouldn't have caused.

I felt my heart shredding every passing millisecond. I kept wiping the tears trying to look unoticable. The hell? When did I get so damn emotional? And ugh. I hate tears. Either happy, sad or mad.

We were finally home. "How.. how are you going back home Puppy?" He glanced at me from the wheel and his eyes widned. He didn't look that pissed anymore which made me a bit relieved.

"What? Do I have a bug on my face or something?" I say blindly. I hope my eyes didn't look too puffed up.

He sighed and shook his head. "I have somewhere important to be that's nearby."

"Okay. I'm really sorry for causing you all this trouble and thank you." He sincerly deserved it. I mean if it wasn't for me, he would be having fun playing GTA with his buddies.

"It's fine. And I'm....." He could not finish his sentence.

"Astoria Miley Lockheart! Is that you?! I think you have a lot of explaining to do young lady!" Mom was out on our lawn, shouting like a mad woman.

I looked at Zac to see him raising an amused eyebrow at me. No. No. No. He did not just know my real name.

I was becoming senseless to see 'our mom' coming towards us and boy, she does not look happy.

Yeah. Shit just got real.

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