2♢.Ducks & Antholes

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"Antartica?! You are still thinking of Antartica when we are going to die!?"

"Well you pig squealing isn't helping either Saph!"

I'm getting anxious. The banging gets louder and louder by each passing second. In another minute, I loose it and started yelling at the bastard from the window,
"Stop this bullshit or I'm calling the cops, duck!"

"Did you just call me a fucking duck?! What are you? Some kindergardner who sings animal songs?"

"Piss off Anthole! If I'm a kindergardner, then you are a stupid new born baby."

"Go to hell bitch! Go. Call the cops. They never caught me anyway". He smirks. "I will leave you this time but remember; this. Isn't. Over."

As soon as I was gonna roll out another outburst, the anthole runs away into the woods close to our house.

I let out breath I don't even know I was holding. "Well, atleast we can go to Antartica. For now."
I tell Saph.
"Lets not forget the part where he said 'this isn't over'
She says grimly.

Oh right, how could I forget that?
Then again he could be trying to scare me. Right?


When my parents and siblings come back home it's around quarter to five in the evening.

The worst part is that I have to pretend that just now, I hadn't been verbally harrased by a phsycopath. Why? Because adults these days are just plain stupid and don't understand that calling the cops would just bring our family into more trouble.

Also if they did that and I was ever left home alone they'd probably find me skinned to a clothhanger and hung on my closet.

"Honey! We're home." I hear my mom call. I put on the fakest Barbie smile on my face and skip out of my room downstairs.

"Hey Mom! I missed you so much. I thought I was gonna die of sadness!" I exaggerate while hugging and greeting my younger bratty sisters Ariel and Isla.

"Heyyyyy! Stop squeezing me you stupid hairy belly button. You're gonna give me belly cooties and crush my bones!" Isla squeaks her motherfluffing head off.

"Oh did it hurt? I'm sorry my lovely, adorbale baby sister." I pinch her cheeks.

"Mummy! Tori is being stupid!"

"Astoria, are you sure you're okay buttercup? because you usually hate your sisters?" My dad asks me.

"Oh dad you have wounded my insensitive heart, how could you say such a thing? How on earth can I ever hate these lovelies?" I coo in my sweetest sugarlolly voice.

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