14♢.Cupcakes & Chocolate Orbs

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"What are you doing here?!" He glared.

It was the blue hottie! Oh god. But I had a funny idea to save myself.

"Zac. Where'd you disappear off to man?" Evergreen eyes smiles when he sees his friend, ignoring his very rude question.

"Hey, didn't know you lived here brother!" I gush at blue hottie.

"Brother? You two are siblings?" Gun guy asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. Puppy! Why didn't you answer all my calls? I was looking for your house everywhere and looks like I ended up right there." I smile.

"Puppy?!" All four of the boys screamed.

"Yeah! Didn't you know his name was Puppy? His middle name is Zac. Isn't that right Puppy?" I look over at 'Puppy' who glares at me while they all start laughing.

"So Ariel and you are siblings?" Someone asks.

"Yeah. Did you know her real name is Snake Ariel Harris?" Blue hottie asks with an innocent look.

I glare and stick out my tongue.

"So guys, meet my sister Snake, Snake, these are my friends." He said annoyedly and rolled his eyes.

"Yo, I'm Luca" the gun guy salutes.
"Kayne" the english lad nodded.
"Tristan" the chocolate brown hair guy gave his hand which I shook,
and Finally "It's about time you know my name" evergreen eyes chuckled "I'm Nox and it's nice to meet you Snake." I gritted my teeth and gave him a fake barbie smile. Well, this is my moronic idea anyway, no way to back out now.

The guys were showering us with questions like, your names are Snake and Puppy? How come we never knew you had a sister? If only you knew peeps. I thought mischeviously.

I suddenly realize that it was getting late and I needed to go home. "Hey evergree.., I mean Nox I really need to go back. Can I use your phone?" I question in a hurry because I didn't want to be killed by mom, again.

"You sure? Aren't you supposed to be hanging out with your brother, 'Puppy'?" Says Nox.

"Yeah, but I.." I was rudely interupted by Puppy duck.

"I'll bring her, I need to meet mom anyway." The hell no! I was not going home, all alone with an obnoxious anthole!

"Um I don't think that's a good idea because mom is.. well she's got the flu and you wouldn't want to catch it now would you Pups?"

"Aw Snake, but I'm sure mom will be hurt if I don't visit her when she's sick" he said all nicely but I saw the evil look in those gorge.. ugh hideous hazel eyes. Not that hazel is a hideous eye colour. It reminds me of hazelnut, which reminds me of chocolate and which makes me want to eat those chocolate orbs. Wait what? Ew, that is so wrong. Forget I ever said that.

"NO! mom hates you because you ate all her cupcakes! So she does not want to see your ugly face! Especially when she is ill!" I try making him change his mind.

"Well, I'm coming anyways." He smirks. What is it with smirking? Like how does the bastard even do it? I once tried but ended up hurting my cheek nerves.

I groan loudly realising I had no option here. After all, 'mom' would like to see her Puppy dearest.

"Bye Snake, come over to hang with us soon? You seem fun and you like GTA." Tristan invites. Should I? I mean I just met these people and, Nah who cares? They are fun! Cute too.

"Sure, Puppy would drop me off sometime won't you?" I gave him a pouty face.

"Whatever, let's go now." He rolls his eyes and takes me to the door.

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