Chapter One

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"Nyehlie! Get your ass downstairs NOW!"
I ran downstairs still in my ballet outfit. I was greeted by my father, Berry Gordy. I let out a scream and fell to the ground, as he slapped me across the face.
"You're so stupid! Why can't you be like your sister, Hazel?! I wish I never made you!"
I sobbed harder. Those words stabbed my heart. I may be only 13, but I know what that kind of hurt is.
"Get your ass off that ground and go put on something else, we're leaving!"
I slowly got up, but winced in pain from when father kicked me in the side last week for not get a ballet step right. I ran upstairs and put on my velvety pink dress, with the thin straps, laced socks and my white converse. I looked in the mirror and gasped, as another red mark formed on my cheek. I ignored it, and brushed my golden fro into a high bun on my head, with a pink bow. I ran back downstairs, and got in the car with Hazel and my father.
"Took you long enough."
I heard Hazel mumble from the front seat. I strapped myself in my seat belt, and look out the window. I thought about the questions I ask myself everyday:
What have I done wrong?
Why does he hit me only?
Why does he love Hazel more than me?
What's wrong with me?
Is it really my fault, mother died?
A tear slowly rolled down my cheek, as I watched the scenery quickly go by. After 20 more minutes, we made it to Hayvenhurst, home of the Jacksons. I had never met them, but I always liked Michael. He was so cute! Hazel knew them all though. When her and father went together to Hayvenhurst, they would leave me alone with the maids, and father would make me practice ballet for hours until he got back. We all got out of the car and walked up to the door. Father knocked on the door, and a women answered.
"Hi Berry! Hi Hazel! It's good to see you both!"
Then the woman looked at me.
"Berry who is this beautiful little girl?"
"This is my youngest daughter Nyehlie. She's a lot of trouble."
I never liked meeting new people. I was not a social person. I was always invisible to everyone. I was actually surprised she even noticed me. I just looked down the whole time.
"Nyehlie! Don't be rude! Say hello to Mrs. Jackson!"
"H-hi, its nice to meet you ma'am."
"It's nice to meet you too, Sweetie. You guys come on in. Father let Hazel and I go first, only to pinch my back, for being stupid. I uncomfortably followed Mrs. Jackson, as father, had a tight pitch he on my back. The inside of the Jackson's home was lovely. Everything was decked out nice. Mrs. Jackson led us out to the back yard. There were 6 boys, 3 girls, and a man outside. Hazel ran to one of the boys, hugged him so tight, and kissed him. I'm guessing that was Jermaine, her boyfriend. Father let go of my back and went over to the man. They pat each other on the back, and began to talk. I was left with Mrs. Jackson. I stood there awkwardly, looking down at my shoes.
"Sweetheart, do you have any friends?"
I quietly shook my head no. She chuckled.
"You're really beautiful! You look just like your mother."
I blushed.
"Well come with me, I introduce you to the girls."
I followed Katherine still looking down as I walked.
"Girls, this is Nyehlie, can she hang out with you guys?"
The youngest one piped in.
"Of course she can."
Then the oldest one joined.
"I'm Rebbie, this is LaToya, and that's Janet."
I shyly waved at them.
Mrs. Jackson left, so I sat over in the empty chair, just looking down. Then LaToya spoke.
"You are so pretty! How old our you Nyehlie?"
"I'm 13."
"Oh Michael is 15! Would you like to go say hi?"
They led me over to where Michael was sitting by himself in a corner.
"Hey Michael, this is Berry Gordy's youngest daughter, Nyehlie. She's 12. She's just as shy as you! Nyehlie, you should talk to Michael. You two have a lot in common!"
I sat next to Michael against the big tree he was leaning against. I crossed my legs, and put my hands in my lap looking down. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Michael staring at me. I looked at him, and looked back down, his cheeks getting really red. I noticed he had a red hand mark on his cheek too. His father must beat him too. I just kept looking down. At least his father doesn't try to rape him, when he's drunk. Father has tried many times when he was drunk, but always failed. I guess you could say I was lucky. I was snapped out of my thoughts, when Michael spoke.
I looked over at him he was blushing as hard as I was.
At the same time, we quickly looked back down, and blushed. We looked at each other again.
"I'm Michael."
"I'm Nyehlie. Nice too meet you. I love your music."
"Thank you."
We sat in silence again, then I looked over at him. He had a fluffy Afro, with a red and black striped shirt, and overalls. Then I looked down and noticed he was wearing the same white converse. He also noticed.
"Hey, we're wearing the same shoes!"
We both had a small smile. Then he spoke again.
"Your face, you have the same type of mark on your cheek. Does Mr. Gordy hit you?"
I looked down at the ground. Father told me never to tell anyone, or he'll kill me. I had no friends, so I didn't trust anyone. But Michael was different. I felt like I could trust him.
We both sat in silence, as I wiped a stray tear from my face. Then I finally got the courage to speak.
"D-Does Mr. Jackson h-hit you too?"
He sighed.
We sat once again in silence, as this time, he wiped a stray tear too. I don't know how I get t the courage, but I scooted closer to him. He didn't seem to care, even though he blushed, and a small smirk. Then I asked him,
"Do you have any friends?"
"No. You?"
"Wanna be friends? I mean, we understand each other, and we have things in common."
"Yeah, I'd like that."
We both smiled at each other, and I scooted closer, and laid my head on his shoulder. At first he tensed up, but then, he was calm.
"So, what do you do?"
"I, um, do ballet, and I like to draw, and take pictures. Father doesn't know I can sing, but he never notices me anyway. I'm non existent to him. But Hazel, she's the center of attention. He takes her everywhere, and she doesn't have to work hard."
Michael nodded in understanding.
"I can relate to that, but the opposite. I love to sing, don't get me wrong, but Joseph is so hard on us. He expects me to be the best at everything. I hate it so much! He doesn't even let us call him dad or daddy. I honestly can't wait to be 18."
"Me neither! I can be free from all this! You know what I wanna do?"
"I wanna be carefree like a child again! When I'm an adult, I'm gonna be a true child!"
"Oh my gosh, you sound just like me! I just wanna be unlocked from this chain!"
"Yeah! We could do it together!"
Then Michael and I talked about our hopes, dreams, aspirations. We sat under that tree for hours, getting to know each other. At 7pm, Father walked over to us, and soon, my smile disappeared, back into shyness and depression. I felt Michael grab my hand, and hold it tight.
"Hi Berry!"
"Hey Mike! I'm so sorry my ignorant daughter has been bothering you! Nyhelie, get your ass up right now, we're leaving! You're gonna get it when you go home!"
I slowly got up, and looked at Michael with tears in my eyes, that said:
I'm so scared!!!
"Um Berry, Nyhelie wasn't bothering me. I actually like her company! Can she stay with us all for a few days tomorrow?"
Berry looked at me then at Michael.
"Alright. I wanna get rid of her anyways..."
I looked down feeling hurt.
"Bye Michael."
"Bye Nyehlie."
I followed Father and Hazel back to the car. When we got home. Hazel kissed Father and went upstairs. As I was about to go upstairs, he grabbed my arm really tight.
"Where the hell do you think you are going? I hadn't punished you yet!" With full force, he backhanded me in the same spot he slapped me earlier. I screamed as I fell to the ground.
"Why are you such a burden! I wish you were never born!"
I began to scream louder as he continued to beat me. He punched me in the stomach, knocking wind from my body, and kicked me in the sides, and punched my leg really hard. I began to cough up blood from his blow to the stomach.
"You suck it up! You aren't hurt that bad!"
I just lay there sobbing in pain, as father left me on the ground and went upstairs. My nose began to bleed. I sobbed quietly, thinking of Michael. I cried my self to sleep on the cold hard ground.

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