Chapter Nine

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"Nyhelie, please don't go! I didn't even-"
"Oh shut up Michael! Pack your bags Janet. You can stay with me."
Janet ran upstairs to pack a bag. I was sitting next to an angry Katherine, and across a guilty Michael, and a smirking Tatum. Bitch.
"Michael, what were you thinking? Letting this whore in our house. She was in Nyhelie's room naked!"
Tatum fake pleaded with Katherine.
"That's Mrs. Jackson to you! Get the hell out of my house and never come back!"
"You heard me!"
Tatum stomped her foot and was about to rush out but then she grabbed Michael and forced a kiss on her mouth. Then she smirked evilly at me.
"Back off bitch! Don try to get what you can't have."
She turned around and left. Tears were streaming down my face. Janet came downstairs with her bags. Janet and I hugged Katherine. I walked past Michael, but then turned around.
"I know this wasn't your fault Michael, but Tatum's right. I need to stop trying to get what I can't have. You."
We walked out.
2 months later...
Janet went back home last night. I haven't spoken to Michael in two months. My heart hurts. I wish I could have Michael. I know how to treat him better than Tatum. What has Tatum got that I don't? Why can't he love me?!
"Why am I so damn hard to love?! Why can't I be happy?!"
I screamed out angry. I cried my heart out. After 2 hours of crying, I got myself together, and took a shower. It began to rain when I got out. I put in my Star Wars pajamas, and went in the kitchen. I got out my ice cream from Papa Clyde's. It was 1 large scoop of butter pecan, and another large scoop of cotton candy. I hopped on the counter, and began to eat it. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. I opened it and there stood Michael, with a hood on his head. He was soaking wet. Wait. Was he crying?! I pushed him in the house and took his hoodie off. Yep. He was crying. I instantly knew what it was. He began to sob. I grabbed him into a big hug. He just cried on my shoulder hold me tight.
"I-I'm so sorry Nyhelie! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!"
"Shh shh. It's okay."
When he calmed down, I led him in the kitchen, and took out a cup of cookies and cream ice cream. His favorite. I give him a spoon, and grab my ice cream, and we got into my room and climbed on the bed. We began to watch reruns of I Love Lucy. When we finished the ice cream, he laid his head on my lap and I just stroked hair.
The next morning, I woke up to see Michael still asleep on my lap. He looked stressed out and exhausted. You would think that I would be happy him and Tatum are no more, or that he gets what he deserves, but don't. I feel bad for him. See, I'm the type of person who doesn't hold grudges. Even if I'm mad at someone, I can still help them out. I decided to get up and make some breakfast.
Michael's POV...
I found Tatum in my parents house, in my bed, with another man, who happened to be my youngest brother, Randy. My heart was completely broken. Nyhelie was right. I didn't give them time to say anything. I ran downstairs, and hopped onto my motorcycle. I sped down the road to Nyhelie's house. When she opened the door. She had a sympathetic smile on her face. She looked tired, like she had got done crying. She pulled me in a gave me a warm and loving hug. How could she be so nice to mean when I've been so mean? She just held me there, and when I calmed down, she gave me my favorite ice cream. She still knows my favorite ice cream? Maybe she's the one for me. She even got reruns of I love Lucy! She truly knows me. I laid my head on her lap, as she began to stroke my hair. I just began to think:
Where did I go wrong with Nyhelie? I'm such a fool! I should be with her! I should've been with her when I got the chance. She was with me, through my toughest times, and she still is, even though I caused her pain and heartache. I even remember what she said two months ago.
"She's right Michael. I need to stop trying to get what I can't have. You."
She has to mine. Once and for all. I will stop at nothing to get our friendship back, and hopefully, our love.
I fell asleep thinking of the time's Nyhelie and I had.
The next morning, I woke up, and Nyhelie was gone. A delicious aroma filled my nostrils. I got up and went downstairs. I went in the kitchen and saw Nyhelie fixing blueberry pancakes, eggs, and bacon. She was humming my song Girlfriend. When she turned around and saw me, she smiled.
Nyhelie's POV...
"Good morning."
"Good morning."
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay. Thank you."
"Good I'm glad. Breakfast is almost ready. You can go sit at the table."
I watched as Michael left the kitchen. He looked very depressed. I've gotta try and cheer him up. I plated breakfast, and took it in the dining room. I set our plates down. And I poured orange juice in the glasses, that I set on the table earlier. I put the pitcher of orange juice back on the table.
"Okay, let's eat."
We both dug into our food without saying one word to each other. Then Michael spoke.
"I went to the house last night. Janet told me Tatum was in my room waiting for me. When I went upstairs, and closer to my door. I heard these weird noises. I opened the door, and there was Tatum. And Randy."
Anger boiled inside me, but then sadness came over.
"I'm so sorry Michael."
"How can you do that?"
"How can you treat me with so much kindness with all that's happened?"
I looked him in the eyes.
"Because, I care about you, Michael. A lot. I have to be the bigger person sometimes."
"You're amazing, Nyhelie. Words cannot describe how sorry I am for taking advantage of your love and care in the past."
He began to cry again. I walked over to him, and squat down. I held his hands and set them in his lap. I looked into his eyes again.
"No more sorrys okay? Don't be sorry."
He looked me in the eyes. He began to lean in closer. We were only inches away. And then his lips were against mine.
He kissed me. It was like time had stopped. That was my first kiss. And it was beautiful. Then all of a sudden he pulled back.
"I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me. I have to go."
Like that he left. And he avoided me. It would be like this for another 5 years.

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