Chapter Sixteen

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Michael's POV...
Why does this happen to her? I'm done. I need to protect her. I hope Neverland is done, because as soon as Nyhelie gets out of this hospital, we are moving right out of her house. She has been through enough hell! I almost lost her, but it's not gonna happen again. I'm looking at her right now. She looks so tired! There are bags under her eyes, her body is tore up, she's so thin. But yet in all that, she still looks beautiful. The most beautiful creature I've ever seen. I would die if something happened to her. When she woke up, she was so scared, and paranoid. She had been out for 2 weeks, in a coma. I stayed by her side. I had the family bring me some stuff to stay. I've been sleeping their, and I've never left her room. That's how scared I was. You don't understand how much his girl jumps my bones, she makes me feel so amazing, and warm and full of love.
"Sup, AppleHead?"
"Can you bring me some more clothes?"
"Of course, but Michael, I think you should head to Mother's and take a-"
"Janet, we've been through this! I can't leave her alone! I have to stay! I have to keep her safe!"
Janet looked at me in admiration.
"You really love her don't you?"
"With all my heart."
"Alright I'll be back, and I'll bring you some food."
"Thanks Dunk, that's why you're my favorite."
"And you're my favorite, AppleHead."
Janet smiled at me, as she left the room. I had everyone go home, but Janet insisted she stay here. She is my favorite sister, and has always been. She supports me, and sticks up for me.
I looked back over at Nyhelie. She began to stir. They took her off of life support yesterday after she woke up, and she been asleep for two days. I looked at her as she opened her beautiful eyes. They didn't have that same glow because of weakness, but they were beautiful.
"Good Morning Baby Girl."
She smiled at me tiredly. She rubbed her arms from the itchy tape on her IVs. They put seven IVs in one arm, and three in the other. She had surgery three days ago for her broken ribs, internal bleeding and a small skin graft for her back. Mark my words, I'm gonna kill Randy one day, and that's a promise. I'm just glad he's locked up. Tatum didn't take it too well either, but who cares? I just wanna know what happened to my baby brother. I shook it off and smoothed Nyhelie's hair down.
"How you feeling?"
"I feel... I don't even know anymore, Michael."
"Are you hurting, numb, stiff, cold, hot, nauseous?"
She chuckled.
"I'm think I'm all those."
I chuckled. She laid her hand on my chest.
"I missed your heartbeat. I can never sleep without it. Mine keeps annoying me because of that stupid heart monitor."
I chuckled.
"I'm sorry Nellie."
I kissed her forehead.
Nyhelie's POV...
I'm so ready to get outta here! I've been in here for two and a half weeks! And my poor Mickey (yes it's supposed to be Mickey) looks so tired. He really loves me though. And I love him. I'm scared though. I don't think I could go back to my house though, cause Randy knows where I live. I think it's time...
"Hm? What's wrong Baby Girl?"
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"No, I mean, I'm in love with you. This past month, you've shown me love and compassion, and unconditional love, and I don't know how to repay you. I-I've treated you so horrid, not trusting you..."
A tear rolled down my face, and I looked in Michael's beautiful eyes. When I looked into them, I knew.
"I'm so sorry, Michael. I love you so much, I trust you. But I'm so scared to love. I'm so scared!"
He pulled me close to him. And wrapped his arms around me securely.
"I love you Nyhelie. Look at me."
I looked into his eyes. I instantly knew I could trust him, and he would never let go.
"I promise I will never let you go. I love you with my life."
He smashed his lips onto mine. Time stopped like there was no one else. Then he started to kiss me passionately. I had never been kissed like this, and I liked it with Michael. It was like our lips fit together, like we held each other's keys. His hands traveled to my waist, and I wrapped my arms carefully around his neck, making sure my IVs didn't go out of place. My heart monitor was beeping faster. I was in love with Michael. I was in love with Michael! I could tell the world if I wanted! I finally felt at peace about the thing that trapped me the most inside. I was free, of my biggest fear... love.
"Mr. Jackson we hear the monitor-"
We jumped and looked at the door.
The doctor looked at us with an amused face.
"Um, I don't think that's healthy for you yet Mrs. Jackson."
Wait what? Mrs. Jackson. I shot Michael a suspicious look. He blushed.
"Alright Nyhelie, we checked your vitals, and we removed your stitches yesterday. But there is one thing. You heart is very weak from the trauma your body has been put through. I'm afraid you have more bed rest waiting for you."
I flopped backwards, in the bed groaning, and Michael let out a giggle. I shot him a look, and poked his ticklish sides.
"You too make a good married couple. I don't see many of those anymore. Mr. Jackson, come sign the discharge papers for Mrs. Jackson, while my nurse gets her cleaned up.
My nurse gave me a hot path, and got out my white dress, that Katherine made me. I brushed my hair, it grew longer. Now it was down to my lower back. I was happy, because I love my curly gold hair. I got it from my mother, she was full Colombian, but was born with curly blonde hair. It was piece of her that I had left, beside pictures. I left my shoes off, because I didn't want them on. My toes were still painted red. Nothing really chained about me, but my body. It was even thinner, they measured me at 86, but, it's now 99. All my welts from the belt were gone, and my back looked normal, except the vitiligo, but I still felt ugly. I scooted away from the mirror. I couldn't really walk, I was a little weak in the legs. I still wondered how Michael thought I was beautiful. I wasn't. I was hideous. My thoughts were interrupted by Michael. He lifted me out of the bed and carried me bridal style out of the hospital.
"Oh no, Michael, I'm too heavy."
"No you are lighter than me!"
I just decided to lay my head on his shoulder, and wrap my arms around his neck. He carried me into the limo. He kept me on his lap. Then he looked at me.
"I need to keep you safe now. You're gonna move in with me ok?"
"I would love to Michael, but where?"
"It's a surprise."
I just rested my head on his chest, and drifted off into sleep.

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