Chapter Twelve

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I woke up in my living room. My head was going up and down. I lifted my head slowly, and saw Michael sleeping peacefully. I was on him, with a blanket wrapped around us. I chuckled in laughter, as I saw the empty Chinese cups on the ground. He must've turned the tv off. Michael and I had a relaxing evening last night, still catching up on life. I should him a lot of my paintings, and photography work I've done in the past. We ended up ordering Chinese food, and watching Peter Pan, and falling asleep. As I slowly tried to get off Michael, he pulled me back down. A shriek of laughter came from my mouth.
"Ah, Michael! I have to clean up!"
"Not right now. I'll help you and we'll go to Mother's after for breakfast okay? I wanna talk to you some more."
My heart fluttered. He was definitely making it up to me. For him to take the time to wanna spend time with me, was surprising. I didn't get a chance to take a good look at Michael, but when I did I was internalized by his beautiful. His hair was a lot longer, his skin was lighter, but he was still Michael to me. But I had to ask him about his Pepsi accident.
"Michael, you know I remember when I heard on the news that you had gotten burned really badly during that Pepsi commercial. Hi do you feel now?"
He sighed.
"I hated it, and I still hate it. That made my appearance 10 times worse, especially now. You still have Vitiligo?"
I remembered my disease. I was on my whole back. And when father would beat me, he would make it worse. The skin would tear, because there was no pigment and the skin was weaker. I still have small scars on my back from it.
"Yeah, I still do. I have a scar on my back from when father beat me."
"I have it now. That's why my appearance is lighter."
"Well it looks better on you anyway."
"No it doesn't! I hate it! Haven't you read the tabloids?"
"No, I don't read them at all. Who cares what they think. As long as you have someone to support you, that's all that matters."
He pondered what I said for a minute.
"I guess you're right."
"Michael, this is what I'm talking about. You don't have to just be there for me. I can be there for you too. You know how much we have in common. You're gonna have to learn how to trust me completely if you and I are gonna be together."
He smiled softly and wrapped his arms back around me.
"I love you."
I rested my head back on his chest.
"I love you too."
After a while of talk, Michael and I cleaned up the place, and chased each other around the house for a while, then I showered, and put on my red and white striped crop top, with my jean short shorts and white converse, and I gelled down my hair and put my hair into large high puffs. I put a red flower on each puff. Michael took me to Hayvenhurst. When we went inside, a nice smelling aroma filled our nostrils. We walked in the kitchen to see Janet, Katherine, and- Oh. No. Randy and Tatum. Janet looked up and had an awkward smile on her face.
"Hey big bro, hey Nyhelie. Look who came to visit. Heh heh."
Katherine looked up from her paper, and looked at us with a look that said: Lord, help me!
Michael and I both kissed Katherine.
"Good morning Katherine."
"Please, call me Mother now. You are like my daughter."
My heart was instantly warmed.
"Thank you... Mother."
"Good morning Mother."
Michael beamed at Katherine, but deep down we knew he was hiding in anger.
"What, so my girlfriend and I don't get a hello?"
I saw Michael clench his teeth in anger. I decided to try to be nice.
"Hello Randy, Tatum, nice to see you two here."
Tatum scoffed.
"Wow your girlfriend has more common sense to say hello huh?"
I rubbed Michael's back, because I could tell he was getting worse by the minute.
"It's okay Sweetheart, calm down."
I whispered. He quickly turned to me and smiled.
"You called me Sweetheart."
"Yeah so?"
All of a sudden he engulfed me in a huge hug, and spun me around.
"She called me SweetHeart!!"
I burst into laughter.
"Michael what's the deal?!"
He didn't say anything, just put me down and looked into my eyes.
"I love you."
"I love you-"
He smashed his lips on mine. I just went with the beautiful kiss, and wrapped my arms around his neck. Janet and Katherine bust out laughest.
"Well aren't you two the cutest couple?"
We both pulled away and blushed.
"Sorry, I got carried away. She gave me my first pet name."
I think Katherine, Janet, and I died of laughter.
"Okay? So? Tatum calls me baby, and I don't hoot and holler about it!"
I was get very impatient with Randy.
"Look, Randy, with all do respect, I don't know what the frick your problem is, but you need to tone it down! You already crushed him and betrayed him enough, and now you wanna give him the cold shoulder like he hurt you! If anything he's the reason why you were even in the Jackson 5 in the first place. He loves you so much! I've seen it with my eyes! You know what? You can take your new found pride and arrogance, and jealousy, and you can shove it up your ass. And Tatum you can too. But aw, what a shame, your ass isn't big enough."
Everyone in the room's mouths were on the floor. Janet was trying not to laugh. They had never heard me say anything like that before.
"Mother, tell us when breakfast is ready. Michael and I are going to our tree. Come on Baby."
I pulled Michael with me outside, and pushed him to sit down on the ground and lean against the tree. I sat between his legs and laid my head on his chest.
"See Michael, that's how much I love you. Randy really had some nerve showing his bum and Tatum too! I-"
What is it with Michael interrupting my lectures with these beautiful kisses? I guess I'll guess I'll have to get use to that from now on...

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