Chapter Fourteen

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Michael and I had fun at the studio with Quincy, I had finally warmed up to him, he was so lovable guy, like an uncle. Michael and I were in the car talking, when the phone in the limo rang.
"Michael Jackson speaking."
He looked over at me and winked.
"Hey Mother!"
"Hi Son, are you with Nyhelie?"
"Yeah, I'm with Nyhelie."
"Ok, bring her by, Joseph and I are barbecuing for the family."
"Ok, we'll be there. Bye!"
Michael looked at me and smiled.
"We're going to Mother's."
"Everything ok?"
"Yeah, we're just gonna hang today."
I just shrugged. I always liked hanging with the Jacksons. They were such an awesome family. But there was one person I tried to keep my distance from...Randy. He was very sneaky, and he was not as sweet as everyone thought. I still haven't told anyone about the incident over 5 years ago. He may be younger than me, but he was very strong! It was part of what was tearing me up inside. This made me nervous, and I killed my mood. I don't want anyone finding out, but I'm so traumatized by it, it won't go away. Randy is just like my father, and I don't wanna be near him. Great, now today's the day I think about what my father and Randy did to me.The way he looks at me, with that sly smirk, it makes me cringe. I don't wanna go. I wish I didn't have to go through this crap! My mind is making me cave in, and can feel myself sweating. Don't give in. Don't give in.
"A penny for your thoughts."
I snapped out of my thoughts, and looked at Michael, who was looking at me with amusement. It kinda made me jump, so I accidentally snapped at him.
He jumped at my change of tone.
"I-I'm sorry Michael! I didn't mean-"
"No, you're fine, cause I know every time you snap at me, something's bothering you."
Wow. This man knows me more than anyone. He can read me like a frickin book!
"Oh um, it's nothing, I guess I just.... Miss my mom!"
"Oh I'm sorry Baby Girl."
That was partially true, so technically I'm not lying.
"Michael can you just hold me! Please?"
He pulled me onto his lap, and held me close."
"I'm sorry about your mom, Baby."
"It's okay. I guess I juts wonder sometimes what life would be like if she was still here, you know?"
"Yeah, I get where you're coming from."
"Mr. Jackson, were here."
"Thanks, Bill. Now, baby, after the hangout, we'll go home, and rest around, and you can tell me what's really bothering you."
"Michael I-"
He stormed off. Oh no. He's pissed. Again. This is the second time, I haven't trusted him with something. Great! Damn you Nyhelie! I walked to the steps, with tears brimming my eyes. I sat on the second step. I let it all out. How can I be so stupid? I hate the way I handle things. Why did all this shit happen to me? Now it messes me up in the brain. Why do I push everyone away? Am I really that scared? I continued to cry for a good few minutes, got my self together the best way possible, put on a fake smile, and went inside.
"I walked to the backyard, and saw everyone out the back. They all greeted me. Michael was talking to Katherine, Janet, Jermaine and Hazel. I went over them.
"Nyhelie! How are you honey?"
"How are you mother?"
I gave her a hug.
They all looked at me funny.
"Nyhelie, have you been crying?"
I felt Michael's eyes on me.
"I um, yeah I was."
"Is it okay, if I go lay down?"
"Of course honey."
I rushed in the house before anyone could see me burst into tears. I ran upstairs to my room. It still looked the same. I sat in the window, and watched everyone, downstairs. As I looked in the window, I watched as everyone was talking, laughing and having fun. I smiled to myself. I wish I had a family as good as the Jacksons. All of the sudden, the door opened and closed. I looked over, and immediately jumped up from the window as I shook in fear. Randy. He had that sly smirk on his face, but it was more evil.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't my brother's sexy girlfriend. You've gotten a lot sexier from the last I saw you."
He came closer, and circled around me. I knew not to move, but on the inside, I was shaking in major fear.
"Randy, p-please. N-not again. You already have my head messed up! Please! N-No more."
"You know, you could've been mine when I wanted you to, but of course I had to take forceful measures... you asked for it Nyhelie. You should've given that pretty little body to me. You were lucky I let you break free..."
I gasped in horror, as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt.
"But you're not gonna get away this time."
He took of his belt, and held it in his hand whip style. As he stepped closer, I backed away. I let out a scream, and began to break out in a sob, as he pushed me on the bed. He pinned me on my stomach, and ripped my dress open.
"Please! Let me go! Please!"
I screamed louder, as he ripped off my bra, and began lashing the belt against my skin. A lash of fire, and excruciating pain, hit me, as the knobs on his belt, beat in my skin, tearing more of my weak flesh. I let out a horrifying shriek, as he hit me again. I rolled over, on my sides, as he knocked 3 of my ribs out of place. I guess that's what I get for not eating. Then he did the unthinkable. He threw me on the floor, and pinned me on the ground. I knew what was coming neck. I screamed louder than I ever could. I saw, a pencil roll over to me next to my head. I quickly grabbed it, and I stabbed him in the eye. He shrieked out in pain, as I grabbed my clothes, and shot downstairs. I opened the limo, luckily it was unlocked. I shot in, and locked the door, and balled my eyes out. Why does this happen to me? I'm tired of this! I just wanna die. I didn't even bother putting my clothes on. I just held Michael's ripped shirt close to my heart, wrapped myself in his black and white blanket, and cried myself to sleep, fearing for my life.

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