Chapter 13

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Chapter 13-

Avril's POV:

"You may leave the room but...You have to leave this collar on incase you try to escape and shift and...." Max said before he left grabbing his keys.

"You must be back in here at nine on the dot. Not a second past." He said forcefully. I nodded and he left the room. I didn't leave right yet until I saw his car leave the driveway. I threw open the door and poked my head out. I saw Mia walking down the hallway carrying fresh clothes. Most likely for me.

"Mia." I whispered yanking her into the room.

"Avril. What is it?" She asked.

"He let me roam the house. Have you found a way out?"

"Yes...But if we go...we have to do it fast. I don't know how long Max will be out and we can only do it when he is out." She said quickly dropping the clothes. She took my hand and dragged me to the basement where the cells were at.

"His secret passage is right here. He blocks it with these heavy boxes. We can move them together." She said. We went on one side and shoved them out of the way it was like moving a couch for humans bascially.

"Yes well when will the portal be ready?" I heard Max's voice descending the staircase.

"Go! Go!" Mia whispered fast. I went through the passage way but we didn't close it and guess who saw us?

"Thomas...I will have to call you back. My blushing bride is attempting to make a run." He said. He shut the phone and Mia was thrown back into the cellar and she yelled for me to run. I went to run but he held onto my wrist.

"Nice effort, Avril." He smirked throwing me over his shoulder like a bag of mulch. I sighed in defeat. Oh Lord what will he do to me? My body tensed up in thinking of what could happen.

"Yes. You can be scared...but I am not killing you. Mia cell." He pointed to a cell and she walked in and he shut the door and locked it.

"Good thing my car broke down." He smirked opening the door. He walked up the stairs as my heart rammed aorund in my chest. Fear exploded through me. What was he going to do?

"For your actions no more roaming will be done. And you will stay by my side the next few days. So basically you will not be leaving the room. And I am a bit thirsty." He growled as we walked up the stairs I heard him open the door and I was thrown across the room onto the bed. I struggled to get up but he was on top of me in seconds. I cowarded away.

He bit down on the side of my stomach that was left unmarked. I growled in pain as he harshly fed from me. I struggled against him but his arms kept me down. Once he was finished on my side he bit down on my neck which made me howl in pain. He took too much blood and I felt the room spinning and I shook and passed out.

Alexei's POV:

"So we are leaving now?" I asked my father as we stood in a circle wiht werewolves.

"Yes. We were able to find their location. To kill a demon their head must be gone...Holy would work but we don't have any." He shrugged.

"But I suggest I run inside with a couple werewolves and vampires and Kaleb you attack from the outside."

"Sounds good. But Aubbrie has to stay with me."

"That is fine. Let us go. Once we get closer we will make two large groups. They won't be expecting it. Be prepared Demons are not weak." My father said. In a flash everyone took off the werewolves exploded into...well werewolves. We ran to the school and took off to the East from there.

Soon Kaleb and my father stopped.

"Their house is just up ahead. Corlina, Caine, Mason, Lucifer, Christopher and Diana go with Kaleb the rest of you are with me."

"Mitch, Matt, Laci, Amelia, Marty and David go with Yuri." Kaleb said. A couple of werewolves came with us.

"I see a passage." Alexander said as he roamed around the outskirts of the building.

"Okay we will go in wait three minutes until you begin the fight to alert them and we will attack from behind." My father said. Kaleb nodded and we went to the side of the manor. Damen pried open the gate and threw away the metal cirle. Everyone's eyes flickered due to the tunnel leading in was dark. We all had night vision.

My father led the way it was dark and wet and mud slicked against the floor. As we came closer to the entrance footsteps were heard. My father used his nails to flick the key switch to the gate. Once it opened a young girl came to the bars.

"Who are you?" She gasped.

"None of your business...demon." My father said disgusted.

"No. I don't hurt other creatures. Y-You are looking for Avril? The werewolf girl? I know where she is. She may be hurt. Please. I will not hurt you, Avril and I tried to escape through that passage but Max caught us. He threw me in here and took her away. He may have fed off of her and took too much blood." She begged.

"If you touch any of us. Your head will be ripped off in seconds." My father snarled.

"You have my word sir. This way." Once he opened the gate she came out and opened the door upstairs.

"Werewolves and Vampires! Everyone outside now!" Someone yelled. A large commotion passed us and thrashing and growling came from the front.

"Their are demons crawling this place. Only half or so may have gone outside or maybe all of them did. Max probably left her if she is sleeping. This way." The girl explained. We went around the corner and up the stairs.

"Mia...helping the enemy? Naughty slave." Someone growled. She looked up and a guy twitched and formed into a large, black, ugly butterfly thing. Everyone growled and snarled. The girl Mia put up her hand. She growled and lunged at the guy shifting into the same thing as him. She easily tackled him for a small girl. She looked ten but yet...she didn't. In seconds she had him down and his heart out.

"Rip their heart out or their head off to fully kill them. More will be coming. Prepare yourself." She said before shifting back.

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