Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-

Avril's POV:

"What am I doing?" I whispered to myself angrily. My amotions swarmed aorund my head like a tornado. I wanted them to go away. I wanted my life to be picture perfect. No werewolves...vampires...kings...queens...heirs...Alexei. I growled to myself angrily. I couldn't wish for Alexei to be gone. In fact if he wasn't in this little confused circle with me I would be the one talking to him right now asking for help.

But after the little display of affection we had...I don't know if I can face him.

Mix our blood lines...It was alright for werewolves to turn into vampires but no one ever heard of a hybrid will it be?Tormented? Blood crazy? All unimaginable things that would have me and Alexei both killed.

"Avril?" A familiar voice called. I looked up and felt my face wet. I hadn't realized I been crying.

"Max?" I called back as his shadowy figure stalked forward. He bent down in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Huh...yea. Just a little fight with Alexei."

"I can fix that." He grinned. Something about his grin threw me off. It wasn't a 'haha' laughy cocky grin. It was something scary. Something that made my body shiver in displeasure. It sent chills down my spine and made me become stiff and motionless.

"What?" I asked confused.

"We've been searching for your for a long time Avril."

"We've?" I asked my breathing became hitched and scared. Suddenly Max's pretty face turned into something ugly. His skin turned black as coal, his hands grew long with sharp claws. Black, wet slicked wings formed out of his back. His teeth grew sharp and jagged. As his trnasformation took his course he stood up gritting down on his teeth. His legs bent and turned into leathery wrinkled wet looking skin.

His eyes were a fearsome red...his whole eye. Blood red and glowing. As he cranned his neck in different ways his bones cracked he growled in protest at the discomfort. His wings cracked as they spread.

I instantly knew what he was.

"Demon!" I yelled. I got up as fast as I could and made a bolt. Except he blocked the way to school so I ran around back. I rounded the corner and hid behind the garbage can. I tried to catch my breath but the stench from the demon and the garbage almost choked me.

I waited when I didn't hear anything.

"Excuse me Miss?" The janitor asked as I sat, tear stained face and a bit sweaty from the heat and running scared out of my mind. He probably thought I was a crack addict or really messed up.

"Shh! Come he-AHHH!" I screeched. Max's wing pierced the old man straight through his heart. Right through him! Bile rose from my throat and I felt it coming out as his heart beat slowly as it stayed on the end of Maxs' wing. He did his Demon shriek which stunned me for a moment. I had to leave or else I would die. I covered my mouth and bolted towards the front of the school. It was quiet...quiet...empty. Not a single soul moved. No bugs, animals...just cars and the school. I get it was only first period but come on. I ran to Alexei's car, he gave me a spare key for it incase of a emergency. Tyler held onto our cars' key. I fumbled wiht them like in a stupid horror movie. But as I went along attempting to open it I heard a distant flapping.

Suddenly images of the heart on the end of his wing came into mind and I vomited on the ground next to me.As I recontrolled my breath the flapping was gone. I opened the door and got in wipping my mouth.

My breathing was laboured as I scanned the area. Maybe he was hiding the body. I had time tor un into the school and find Alexei. He might come after my family if I go home. At least here there is more then five hundred teachers.

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