Chapter 21

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Chapter 21-

"My head." I groaned. I grabbed my head feeling my hair all messed up. My head thumped in pain. The sun radiated in and I winced at it. Suddenly the blinds were draw shut. Alexei stood staring at me. His amber eyes on fire with anger.

"Hi." I said rubbing my temples.

He grunted and walked to the kitchen. He slammed through the cupboards and whipped a bottle of tylenol at me. My immortal and supernatural reflexes still kicked in and I caught the bottle.

"Look. I'm sorry...for whatever I did. But I was having fun. It was a night for fun. You had yours." I said pointing to the door that was half cracked opened.

"And I had mine. So, I will leave you to your little...human." I said getting up and picking my heels up off the floor.

"You used to never do stuff like this." He growled grabbing my wrist and spinning me around to I faced up to his six foot four self.

"Yea well change happens. I'm getting with it." I growled. He snarled back at me and I ripped my wrist from his and turned for the door.

"I'm going to Norway at the end of the summer. So you will not have to see me. Good luck in life." I said over my shoulder before leaving the hotel room for good.

An: Now this will be a time lapse because I hadn't really planned to write about anything in the summer.I might write a chapter about what happened to Mia...But anyways here you go!

Three Months Later

"Norway..." I breathed standing in front of the University I'd be attending. I had my ice hockey bag, lacrosse bag and my other bags that contained clothes and such on it. I strapped my sticks to it and rolled it up the gravel path way that was lined with flowers and luminous green grass. I dreamt of what it would feel like to sink my toes into the soft lush grass. The stone building was shaped into a Renaissance type castle bricked with grey and white stone,two brown double doors awaited my arrival.

I pushed open the two double doors and was enveloped in a fresh crisp scent that was like the mountains. It was fresh...I stepped onto the dark hardwood flooring and looked around. Two winding stair cases formed up into the dorm areas. It looked like a big castle. It was elegant and graceful and everything flowed together perfectly. I walked down the hallway to the elevator and got in. Even the elevator was polished and beautiful.

I walked down the hallway and people nodded or smiled at me, everyone had dorm rooms to themselves here. I got to mine which was number...123 wow...easy enough.

I opened it and I was stunned instantly.

A queen size bed was on a carpeted platform, two steps led down from the half circle platform and a Tv rested on a nightstand with a couch angled towards it, a bookshelf and a computer desk was tucked to the side. A walk in closet had hangers set in it and two windows loomed by the side of the bed. The walls were a soft brown and the floors were a lighter wooding colour.

I dropped my duffel bags and sport equipment on the floor and went to bring the bellhop cart back down.

My new life here. I won't return home till christmas...

I was excited to start. No mystical creatures...

No Alexei...

That Hot Vampire with the Amber Eyes...(Sequel to Married at Four!?) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now