Chapter 14

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Chapter 14-

Avril's POV:

"Shit!" Max cursed pacing back and forth in the bedroom. I was too weak to even lift my head. I felt myself light and close to becoming sick all over his bed.

"Your family is coming after you? We'll see about that." He growled. He harshly lifted me up and I cried out in pain as my side had not healed and he grabbed it roughly. I laid limp in his arms as he opened his window and hopped down. I heard the faintest thrashing and fighting. Everything I was hearing sounded like I was under water. He began running and I felt as if I would drop in any second.

He soon sighed and set me down on the cold damp grass. I groaned in pain and closed my eyes as the pain worsened. I had no blood in weeks...I was surely going to die if my body could not heal this wound.

"Shit, shit, shit. I should have covered up my trail." I heard Max say as he talked to himself.

"I have one last motive. Dear tonight you become a different spawn of hell." He grinned. Out of the bleariness of my eyes I saw his teeth descend into sharp like claws. He supported my back by lifting me up and he harshly bit down on my neck.

The pain was unbearable. I screamed out and moved my legs to try to free myself. Hot liquid ran in my body lighting my veins on fire. My body became hot and I thrashed at him with the little strength I had. My heart sped up so fast I thought it would blow up. I howled out in pain and tried to pry him off of me but he held on tighter.

Soon I was laid back on the cold wet grass. Even the grass could not stop the heat from cooling my body. I gripped the grass yanking chunks out as my body began to shake. My sight lost control and everything began to spin and turn red. I tried to breathe but I ended up spewing out blood.

I turned over as my bones cracked in weakness. I did not scream for I could not control any ounce of my body. I couldn't even look aorund. I just stared at the dirt that became red with blood...

My blood...

The only bit I had left...

It rushed out of my mouth like a river. My bones cracked in protest but no sound was made.

"What the hell is happening!?" Max yelled in frantic.

He ruined everything...

My life

Everything I held close.

I would never see my parents again...Tyler, Josh...Faith...none of my friends...and Alexei. I never said good bye to him...I wanted him right here with me now. Telling me everything would be okay and that we would get through this. But instead I had this idiot scared and confused. I was dying and he couldn't see it.

I would never have a family

A husband

Someone to call mine.

I would never have kids.

Never experience pregnancy...none of it.

Instead I would die here on this damned forest with this damned creature.

I saw tears escape my eyes and I went from my hands and knees to a slump on the ground. Blood coming from my mouth and side...weaker by the second.

I blinked slower and slower until I was wrapped in eternal darkness.

Alexei's POV:

"Come hurry." Mia whispered opening the door. We reached the third floor.

"Two demons rest on this floor.Their strong but a bump on a log is more useful then these two. They should be easy if you think smart. They guard Maxs' room where Max himself will be and Avril." She explained.

"Let's go." My father ordered. We walked along the wall and turned a corner. Mia slammed into the first "bodyguard" you could say.

"Little Mia...having a tea party?" He asked. She quickly was on his back in seconds. Damn this girl was fast. He reached around trying to get her off growling and snapping at her. We all stayed just watching. But soon another bodyguard walked down the hallway.

"Hey!" He yelled. Alexander took a run at him right past him making him turn. Damen then jumped on him tackling him to the ground. They slashed their claws at him unable to reach his head. I decided to help by going in front of them grabbing his head and a simple twist like a bottle cap and his head was off. Blood dripped onto my shoes and jeans.

"Bro that's gross." Damen commented.

"I'm going to be sick again." Alexander huffed clutching his stomach.

"Worst vampire ever, I still can't believe you get sick at the sight of blood." I scoffed.

"It's not the sight of blood it's the sight of internal organs. Hence the word "Internal"." He explained. We walked back to the group and Mia had the bodyguard on the floor with his heart ripped out.

"The heart is more...of an adrenaline rush." She said smiling sheepishly.

"Okay this way." She ran down the hall with us behind her. She came to two giant double doors. She punched in a code on a padlock and a clicking noise made. She pushed it open and in revealed...

An empty room.

"Oh no." She said worried. She rushed to the bed where a spread of blood soaked in.

"She could be in a lot of danger right now." She sighed.

"Classic escape route. Like a kid going out after curfew." Alexander said pointing to the window.

"We have to go help the others then go. Who knows what Max has out there. He might outmatch us. Let's go." My father ordered. Anger boiled up inside of me and my stomach rolled around thinking of Avril dead and alone...or worst of all...

A demon.

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