Chapter 10

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Chapter 10-

Tyler's POV:

"Kaleb..." Aubbrie sighed breathlessly as she fell to the ground. I just told her the news of what happened to Aubbrie. As you can tell she didn't take it well at all. Kaleb helped her up as her face paled. She looked as if she would vomit...then pass out. He laid a cup down on the counter where she sat steadying herself on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Tyler..." Kaleb sighed.

"I wish that I could have done something but I am not in Avril's first period class so I had no idea that she was outside. Although one of the people who were helping me said that if this demon was a 'he'...well he most likely did not kill her and instead took her as a wife."

"Oh my little girl..." Aubbrie sighed. Her colour had come back after drinking the liquid in the cup. She put her head in her hands and my heart dropped. I felt as if it was my fault.

"It is not your fault, Ty." Kaleb assured. It feels like it...I thought.

"Wait who were you working with?They obviously weren't human."

"Vampires. Good ones who don't harm us."

"What were their names?"

"Alexander, Damen and Alexei."

"Alexei?" Aubbrie asked her face came out of her hands as if she knew the name and the person.

"Yuri must have something to do with this."

"Yuri?" I asked Kaleb after saying that bold statement.

"He tried to take Aubbrie...before you were born and used her as a blood source. He is a vile creature. Hates werewolves especially me and Aubbrie in particular. Even though we are part vampire. He can hate us but he can't touch us or he will be hanged for committing murder against us and our family. But newborns still go after Avril. No one knows she has some vampire in they come after her. Avril is special Tyler." He explained. I stood motionless. This was a lot to take in.

"I doubt it was him though. I am not disrespecting you sir by all means no." I said showing respect.

"But...Alexei and Avril are best friends, have been since first grade. They're more close than Josh and I." I said. Probably something I shouldn't have said though considering Kaleb's chest began heaving his canines bared and his eyes turned an icy blue. He forcefully opened the back door and exploded into a wolf and ran into the forest.

"Tyler don't worry. You did nothing wrong. Josh is awake why don't you go talk to him? He is probably bored being locked in the infirmary all day." Aubbrie offered. Aubbrie was always more gentle and sensitive than Kaleb.

"Sure." I smiled walking away.

Aubbrie's POV:

I trotted up to Kaleb as he sat on the football field the night he through me a couple hundred yards. I morphed back as he did to. I walked up and put both hands on the side of his face forcing him to look at me.

"Kaleb, Kaleb, much anger built inside of you." I chided while whispering. Even though no one was around us I still felt the need to whisper.

"She's with a child of Yuri." He growled.

"Kaleb there is a good chance alexei is nothing like Yuri. We have not met his mother maybe she is nice and caring."

"And there is still a good chance he is like him."

"I know you don't want to hear this Kaleb but if they do have feelings for each other you know yourself you can't stop that. I know deep down how much you want her safe and happy. And she may be happy with Alexei. If you tell me no you are lying and I will beat your ass right here." I had to lighten his mood and make him smile.

"Now you know what I am going to tell you. I want to find her deeply. I don't want that filthy creature inside of her making damned children." I said harshly.

"I don't know if I can, Aubbs. I may rip his head off."

"And then you would be hanged because he is a vampire. If he knows of his sons' feelings and loves him as much as we love Avril he will help us. But you have to have more self control. I love you so much but your self control is horrible." I said laughing the last part.

"Thanks. Good vote of confidence."

"I am speaking the truth. Remember the day you were talking about me and Kassidy came up and said I was dating Ryan?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck. He held me tightly.

"That was a fun day." He said sarcastically.

"You were so angry yet deep down you knew it wasn't true. We have to work on that."


"Well starting with Yuri. It will be easy because I will be right beside you. Like always. Probably holding your hand tightly whispering in your ear telling you amazing advice I give..." I smiled going on.

"Yes because your advice is amazing." He laughed kissing me oh so lovingly. It was hard showing affection in the house. I am being honest here...our house isn't big enough. We are working on building a whole side for me and Kaleb. Honestly I am not joking the last time we actually had sex was our honey moon...eighteen years ago. Werewolves have great hearing.We can only kiss and hug. And I was tired of it to be honest.

"When is the other side of the house going to be done?" I whispered.

"Soon, love. Soon."He whispered back pressing his forehead against mine.

"Kaleb. I want my little girl back." I said hugging him tightly.

"I already miss her blonde curly hair...her blue eyes, her quirky self. I don't want her hurt."

"I promise she won't. I'd never let anything happen to her."

That was a good promise to make.

AN-I haven't talked about Kaleba and Aubbrie in a while. So I thought why not? They need some tending to XD

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