That Hot Vampire with the Amber Eyes...(Sequel to Married at Four!?)

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Chapter 1:

It all started in grade seven. Me and my best friend Alexei hung around each other all the time. Then when we came to high school we kind of parted ways but he always made time for me. He became the popular guy like in all the movies and I became the more shadowed kind of girl drifting more towards school work and sports. Beginning of senior year; according to all teenage shows this was supposed to be the golden year.

Let me tell you...I looked a lot like my mother and acted a lot like my father. My mom was clumsy and I was no where near that. I had perfect balance.

"Avril, come on you'll be late!" My mom called as I stared at myself in the mirror. My shoulder bag containing my laptop was slung over my left shoulder, I had on a pair of light blue skinny jeans that were ripped from playing football with Derek and Tyler.I had on a semi-tight t-shirt that stopped before my elbow. It had my favourite band on it which was fall out boy. It was white and had their logo on the front. I had on a pair of dark blue converse and my hair was straight and platinum blond, considering my mom had blonde hair as did my dad. I had on some light black eyeliner with white on the corner of my eyes. I took a deep breath and went downstairs.

"Girls." Tyler scoffed stuffing his face. I swear some werewolf boys....

"Boys." I said back grabbing a muffin. Dad sat at the table staring at the patio door with a intense glare.

"Mom something's wrong with dad." I said as my mom cleaned the dishes.

"He's thinking...why don't you guys head out." She smiled. We got up from the table and made our way out. My mom was half vampire she was stuck in a twenty year old body. I was part vampire so I had blood lust and mini fangs. My mom also changed my dad so my dad was stuck in a twenty-six year old body.

"K, bye." I said kissing them on the cheek like usual. Derek always drove because he said he had more rights to the car because he was the one who checked it all the time. I sat in the back on the way to school but on the way home I sat in the front.

"Well, well. Girls kissing ass to Alexei. Not suprising." Tyler laughed. Tyler had brown hair that was spiked at the front. He had on jeans and a sweater under his jacket. He looked exactly like his dad, uncle Josh. While Derek wore jeans and a plaid red shirt, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbow and he had a black v-neck underneath. Derek had black spiky hair. In fact Tyler and Derek styled their hair the same.

They were both taller than me. I get my height from my mom. I got out and looked across the parking lot. Alexei chatted with his other 'popular' guy and girl friends. I wasn't jealous I just knew I wasn't snobby like them. I didn't like Alexei for his looks...yes he was good looking don't get me wrong. But I liked him because he actually had things in common with me, he actually made me tear up in laughter.

I looked at him and he caught my glance. I smiled and gave him a slight wave knowing he was with his 'group'. I walked on in finding my locker. Which was on the second floor. As I put my bag in I grabbed my English binder and went to close it when someone bumped my shoulder. I turned and Alexei opened the locker next to me and put his stuff in.

"Is this even your locker?" I asked.

"No. Mine is on the other side." He said smirking as he didn't make eye contact.

"What if this is a little grade nines locker? They'll be terrified that you took their locker." I laughed.

"Well...too bad. They'll understand."

"Well I bet you any money they will when they see a six foot giant leaning over them."

"I'm not intimidating." He shrugged closing his locker.

"Sure there buddy." I said patting his shoulder.

"Girls track and field tryouts tomorrow after school, boys football tomorrow after school on field B. girls flag football Wednesday on field A. That is all." The announcement said.

"Think you'll make it?" I asked.

"Of course I will." He said cockily.

"Hi Alex." Tori said waving her spray tanned fingers. Her little minions stocked behind her winking at him. He nodded his head towards her and flashed a pearl white smile.

"Later...Alex." I said walking in a different direction.

"Aww, Avy are you jealous?" He asked walking beside me. For some reason he tended to call me 'Avy' instead of Avril.

"No. It's disgusting they're so fake and plastic. I bet none of them can throw a perfect spiral." I betted.

"Because most of them don't even know the rules of football."

"My point exactly." I said ducking into class without saying goodbye. I usually always say goodbye but Tori really irked me sometimes.


It's Avril...she's seventeen!

This is like seven years later from the final chapter of Married at Four!?




hehe XD

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