Chapter 19

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Chapter 19-

Avril's POV:

As I sat in first class after explaining to ym teacher I forgot where it was he nodded and said there was no need to apologize. I took my seat at the back next to a girl with dark purple hair.

"How are you feeling?" She asked. I stared at her intently...I knew this girl. She dyed her hair like every month depending on how creative she was feeling. Her name was on the tip of my tongue. It was so close...

"F...Faith!" I exclaimed hugging her tightly.

"Hey, girl. Glad to see you remember me."

"I missed you. It feels like we haven't talked in forever."

"Well it's been almost three months so that could be why." She laughed.

"It's just comforting knowing someone here."

"What do you mean? Hello the schools gorgeous man and excellent jock is your best friend."

"Is he that guy by my locker with the light blonde hair and the Russian accent?" I asked.

"Oh God..." She said her eyes popping as she stared at me.

"You don't remember him?" She asked.

"No...He was kind of pushy."

"He must not of heard...He's not allowed to see you because you're a werewolf and he's a vamp. I'm a human but Tylers' mate so I was allowed to know...Oh I feel bad for him."

"Why? You just said he's the schools' number one man. Why does he want me?"

"Girl don't play me. Everyone knows...well who's a werewolf or vamp that he is your mate. His eyes literally sparkle when he sees you and it only happens when he is with you." She explained pointing at me.

"He likes me?" I asked my belly feeling warm and happy.

"He's like a lost puppy finding his owner with you, girl. That's why almost every human girl hates you because it's just a one night stand with him for them."

"But I don't even remember him. His name is not clicking in my mind at all." I sighed clearly stressed.

"Listen honey. Focus on finishing school first and getting the University applicants out before you worry about boys. We only have two months left. You have the rest of your immortal life to worry about that."

"I have gotten my applications. I'm sending them out today."

"To where?"

"Obviously the University in the city. I sent one to the Norway University. They have an amazing female ice hockey team and that might boost my chances, and some other foreign Universities."

"Good thing I'm a super genuis. If I wasn't I would never make it into University. I can't play sports and I don't do dance or anything musical." She laughed.

"One day, day." I laughed patting her back.


For the next week I sent out applications to foreign universities and one actually responded back right away I continued to finish out the season for any sports. For Ice hockey playing on the boys team we took it all the way to finals but lost the semi-finals and for girls we went all the way bringing home a trophey. For lacrosse we won nationals against the Icelanders and for track I came first for four hundred metres.

All was playing out well. I finished all assignments and tests before Graduation and prom approached and I was already studying for exams.

I kept the bandage over my eye when I was at school but I took it off at home. It was still glowing and red but I had no problems with it.

"Okay...Norway responded, Sweden did, Paris did and Germany did. Iceland and Greenland denied my applications but it doesn't matter." I said to my parents laying out the letter from the four Universities that accepted me.

"Why not go to the Uni in the city?" Tyler asked.

"Because I would have to go with you and that kid. Who suprisingly got in." I joked.

"Ouch. Watch it kid." Tyler said brushing me as he joined Josh outside as they attempted to make barbeque.

"Well which one are your favourites?Have you read them over?" Mom asked.

"So far...Norway has got me because they have a course in there where I can major in Mythology and their ice hockey team is the top in the league and also they have a female lacrosse league. Next would be Paris's Paris." I laughed.

"But because they have the best teachers in the board. Then would come Sweden and then Germany." My mom took the Norway pamphlet and read over it. Dad read it over her shoulder.

"You know you will be on campus?"

"Yea. But I will be around humans so my scent will be disguised."

"Okay if this is the one you want go for it. How many classes do you have?"

"They gave me a sample schedule. I would have three lecture classes. Two in whatever I am taking which would be sociology and then my elective which would be Mythology and then if I want another elective course. So I would have two days of Sociology lectures and the next two mythology and whatever and I would have friday off." I explained.

"Sounds good." Dad approved.

"Okay...I shall fill it out and send it in." I smiled happily knowing I would get into a good University.

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