Chapter 22

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Chapter 22-

"I'm a big girl now..." I whispered as I went through a tucked away box in my dorm room closet.Today was my twenty-first birthday. My appearence has changed in the past two and a half years. My hair was still ringlets, it was down to the beginning of my bum, it was a platinum blonde, my eyes were a darker grey and my cheek bones were higher, my skin was flawless and honestly a lot of people said I had angelic features. I had, quote "Amazing curves" I didn't grow much taller, maybe an inch. But I had a hockey tournament in Colorado for two weeks. A huge world wide tournament. I haven't seen my family for five months and I was only with them for two days.

As I went through the box taking out family pictures I came across an orange coloured book. On the cover felt orange letters spelt the words "Friends for Life" Curiously I opened the scrap book and on the page were pictures of me when I was a little girl with a younger boy. He was familiar...very familiar.

I continued on the pages as me and the boy grew older.

Finally I reached a page named "High school years"

As I opened it the boys name popped into my mind immediatly.

"Alexei..." I whispered lightly touching the pages.

Suddenly all the memories came rushing back. My feelings washed over me in a huge tidal wave.

This boy...was the boy I fell in love with. The boy I rejected...The boy that I should be with right now.

"Avril you coming? We have to be at the airport right now!" Delilah said rushing me. She stopped as she saw me with the book.

"Who is he? He's cute." She gushed.

"Someone very important." I said grbabing her hand and yanking her out of the room.

Please Alexei...remember me.

I said in my hand as I ran down the hallway.

Alexei's POV:

"M'Lord, the royals will be here tomorrow night, to prepare for the wedding." My steward Xavier said.

"Uhm...okay." I said not really knowing what else to say. This whole king thing wasn't settling. I was stll confused. Unsure of what to do and my mind was still lost. Ever since the day after prom when Avril said she didn't want to see me felt like I lost everything. It's like I forgot everything. I went home dead, I didn't say anything. Now she was somewhere in Norway probably with some guy who she will most likely end up marrying. While I had to marry some vampire who I didn't even like.

"Uh...yes...M'Lord." Xavier said like I should say something else. I got up from my chair and went upstairs to my...quarters.

"Alexei..." soon-to-be wife said.

"Danica." I said emotionless. I strode across the large room to where my dresser was. On it was a small picture of Avril and I. Danica kept placing it upside down. She said I didn't need any woman but her. But I kept placing it back up.

"Bro, Danica out I need some time with, Alexei before he gets married to you. She-Devil" He snarled. Danica and Alexander hated each other. Like I was stopping them from ripping each others faces off.

"Shut up, Leech." She snarled back walking out. Once she shut the door Alexander turned to me with a big grin on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Okay I know you don't want to marry that She-devil. You can say you do but deep down I know you don't. So I did some sneaking around and...Guess who is coming to town?"

That Hot Vampire with the Amber Eyes...(Sequel to Married at Four!?) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now