Somewhere in February...

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Around two weeks passed since Slaine got over his cold.

In these two weeks Inaho was coming and going, visiting as much as possible.

Today Slaine was sitting alone at his bed. More like, lying down trying to short out his feelings.

Inaho kept telling him that he will get him outta there.

To be honest with himself , Slaine was way to accustomed to the life he led now.

He knew fully well that if he went out he would have to live into hiding.

It would be yet another prison for him.

Or so he thought.

Inaho came in just in time to dismiss all those worries of his.

How one might ask.

Well simply.

With that blank face of his...

"Slaine, I will get you out of here in 1-2 months. And you are gonna be under my care. Specifically, officially I will be your guardian. But, being that you are dead to the world we will have to change some things with your appearence."

"Hey hey! Wait a second, orange! Slow down! I don't know what to comment on first!?"

"I brought some clothes that might suit the character you will be. Try them on."

"At least listen to me!!!"

"See! Aren't they cute?"

Inaho was totally holding a mini skirt.

Slaine doubted his eyes. He moved closer to check it up. Maybe he was hallucinating???

"Inaho...That's girl's clothes you know...."

"Yeah! Slaine is gonna appear to the world as a girl! This will lower many suspicions too!"

(^still that damn blank face)

"I am not wearing that!!"

"Oh come on~~~"

In the end Slaine was forced to wear some girly clothes.

Specifically it was a sailor like uniform...

Slaine was a deep red colour while standing in front of Inaho with those clothes.

"Satisfied now?"

"Yes. You are really pretty Slaine."

"Can I take this off now?"

"Of course you can! Actually do it. We have many more clothes to try on you!"



And it kept going on and on. Most clothes looked more like cosplay than casual clothes.

It was already night and finally the clothes attack ended. Slaine, wearing a baggy pink blouse with a white shirt, the last outfit he tried on, lies on the bed once again.

"I am tired." Slaine exasperated.

"How was it? Did you have fun today?"

"Y-yeah. What's up with that question though?"

"Hehe. I am glad."

Inaho smiled. That smiling face made Slaine's face light up slightly as his heart skipped a beat.

"Is something up Inaho?"

"Slaine forgot after all. Well I don't blame him~ He doesn't have contact with outside after all."

"Hey what is it? Is it something today?"

"Do you at least know what date do we have?"

"Ehm... Somewhere in February... Ehm... 12?"


"Oh yeah... February 14th. So what?"

"Say the date again and try to connect it with something."

"Ah! It's Valentine's day!!"


"I totally forgot..."

"Happy Valentine's day, Slaine! Hope we get to pass next year together too!"

Slaine was so moved he nearly teared up.

He jumped-hugged Inaho and hid his teary face on his chest.

"Happy Valentine's day...idiot.... thanks for today... I hope next year I will properly give you a chocolate..."

"I will be expecting a homemade one."

"No no. Don't expect that. Except if you wanna die from food poisoning."

"Then I just have to teach you how to cook till then."

"...I will be in your care..."

They ended up keeping up that conversation till morning. They both fell asleep, hugging each other around 7 am.

The guards were in a loss for what to do that morning.

Slaine could say for sure that it was his best Valentines ever.

To be continued.....
I was gonna make this a kinda extra or special chapter but it has important parts inside too so don't pass through it xD
Yeah! I can finally start planning how to get Slaine outta there!
And Happy Valentines!! Idk what everyone has to do but I will pass it with my dear ships~~~~~

Anyway see ya next month~

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