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The princess was quite surprised to find out of Slaine's current state. She felt inclined to go to at least greet him and ask him if he is okay but she also is afraid to do that.

Yuki obviously realized how much she was troubled but knowing fully well Slaine didn't want to meet her right now she couldn't encourage her to talk to him either.

Thank god or not we have Inaho for these situations!!!

"Want to talk to him?" Inaho asked with the ever changing blind face.

Both girls looked at him in utter surprise.

"W-well I would like to talk to him b...But he probably doesn't want to see me so I won't push the subject any more than this...." Princess Asseylum said trying to act composed.

"I think he really wants to see you too though. I am sure he wants to talk to you." Inaho spoke with seriousness, but no emotion was showing on his face.

"Inaho!! Be a little more considerate of other people's circumstances!!" Yuuki scolded him to no avail of course.

"I am being considerate. And I am sure your desire to talk and discuss about a whole lot of things is mutual. So please wait here princess. I will bring Slaine right away."

"I-Inaho-san! I don't want to push him! You don't have to bring him here...."

"It is okay. He has to get this talk over with at some point anyway."

Inaho turned around immediately leaving the two dumbfounded women in the living room.

The two females looked at each other and sweatdropped.

Inaho stopped in front of Slaine's door and tried to get in. Of course the door was locked.

"Slaine open the door."

"I don't want to come out!!"



"There is no reason for you not to come out. Come out and greet the princess."

"I...have done some really cruel things to her... I can't possibly..."

"But you are properly talking to me."

"Th-that's just because... Inaho is special...."

Inaho's eyes widen and his mouth hang slightly open. He felt very very relieved and happy to hear those words from Slaine's mouth. At that moment the usual blank face was gone, not a trace of it remained as even his eyes sparkled happily.

Of course nobody ever actually saw this phenomenon.

Inaho fell silent for a bit and jumping back to reality he tried to return his face to the usual blank face he kept on.

"Why am I special? Both me and the princess are the same human beings."

"B-but Inaho is different!! I still feel bad over all the things I did but Inaho said to live for his sake so I am trying to!! But talking to the princess is another thing entirely!!" Slaine sobbed from behind the door.

"Slaine, open the door." Inaho's voice was calm and sturdy again.

Slaine reluctantly stood up from his bed and opened the door slightly...

Before Slaine could even assess the situation, Inaho pulled him out of the room and in a swift motion wiped away his tears.

Slaine could only look at the other dumbfounded as he was being pulled towards the living room without any place for refusals.

"I brought him." Inaho spoke, standing in front of the princess with Slaine shrinking back behind his back...


Slaine opened his mouth and closed it again as he shrank even more behind Inaho's back..........

A long silence broke up...

To be continued....
It's short again... Deal with it for some more months.... June is close..... ^^"

Anyway see ya next month~~

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