Conquer you

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Some days had passed since Slaine moved in with Inaho.

Surprisingly he and Yuki were getting along better than expected.

Inaho was happy about that but at the same time... also a bit jealous...

Not as in romantically jealous, more like, Slained seemed to pass more time with Yuki lately instead of him.

When he started feeling a bit jealous for real, he decided to adress the subject.

One night that Yuki was on duty, he forced Slaine to sleep with him.

Forced might seem too hard a word though because Slaine wasn't really so against the idea.

But in no way was Slaine waiting to be sexually attacked that day!

Honestly since the time he had a cold, they haven't done it! And he was not expecting Inaho to make a move now!!

But Inaho did so anyway with a blank face as always!

After entering the room, Inaho locked the door behind him without any noise.

Nobody apart from them were home so shouting wouldn't be much of a problem. But Slaine running away would be a problem so he made sure to lock the door.

"Inaho? What's up? Let's sleep?"

Inaho grinned ever so slightly before closing in on the older boy. Who looked at him confused.

"Slaine. Let's fuck."

"Haaaah!? Wh-what are you saying all of a sudden!!!? And don't use such vulgar words! They don't suit you!!"

"But I got aroused when I saw Slaine taking a shower."


"Yes. I am very very aroused. So let's do it."

"Can you please stop being so blunt!? Also what about Yuki-san!?"

"She is on duty today. She won't be back until morning."

"Oh. But still! Unlike the prison it's not sound proof here!"

"Don't worry. You just have to be quit. This time you can muffle your voice right? You don't have problem breathing after all."

"W....well.... So we are really doing this....?"


"I got it already!"

Slaine just lied down on top of the bed with arms open.

"Do as you please!"


Inaho closed in on him. Sitting on top of him, their faces inches apart.

"I don't want you to surrender to me."

Positioning his face next to the other's ear, he continued.

"I want to conquer you."

He said in an erotic tone making the other's face bright red.


Before Slaine could mutter another word, Inaho's hands had already made their way into Slaine's T-shirt and slowly moving up to his nipples....

"Feel free to moan when you want. I personally don't mind even if the neighbors hear."

Slaine realising once again that he would be heard if he begun moaning like this he brought his hands up to his mouth to muffle any sound that could escape his lips right now.....

And that probably came right on time because apparently his nipples were his weak spot and Inaho was playing with them quite forcefully~~~

"Hey, Slaine~ Does it feel good?"

"Stop....ahnm.... asking the same damn....hhn... question again and again!"

Slaine managed to say between his muffled moans...

"Then I will take the liberty to eat you up..."

He said as he initiated a heated kiss with the other...

"If only now, let me be the only one in your mind... And let yourself be free of any and all shackles..."

The younger boy was chanting inside his head. In hope that his feelings would be conveyed without words...

To be continued...
Woah! I turned it smut pretty fast lol
Anyway as you can see this chapter is short. And unfortunately for this whole year till June the updates will be short due to real life things...

Bc I have uni entrance exams this June and I gotta study hard TmT Please bear with me....

Btw smut continues next time so be prepared lol

Anyway see ya next month~

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