Early morning guest

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Yuuki came home early in the morning... Too early. It was still 5 am.

She retired to her bed for a while. She couldn't sleep though. Despite all the exhaustion she felt from staying up all night she didn't manage to sleep at all. Almost like something was bothering...

As a final measure she decided to visit her brother's room and stare at his sleeping face to let her mind find some peace...

She walked on tip toes from her bedroom to Inaho's and opened his door as silently as she could.

The problem was Inaho was not inside! Yuuki looked around in confusion... Maybe he had dozed off elsewhere... That hadn't happened in a long time but she decided to search the house anyway. Now her maternal care had taken over and she was purely worried for her brother, forgetting all her previous tiredness.

Inaho was nowhere to be found. He wasn't in the bath nor in the living room... He wasn't in the kitchen either....

She started losing her composition until she remembered there was one more room in the house... Maybe Inaho had gone there...?

She was a bit reluctant to enter though... The person inside was a man after all and a stranger to her... But knocking would be pretty bad too... It's no good to wake up a person in the middle of the night...

She stood in front of the door for a full half hour...

Her worry took over her and regarding it as more proper she knocked slightly on the door.

Slaine heard the light knocking... He had gotten used to the prison's silence so even the slightest sound was perceivable by him.

He sat up on the bed. Or more exactly, he tried to. His legs and hands were all tangled up with Inaho's in their messed instictive hug...

He managed to sit up on the bed after some seconds only to notice the state both him and Inaho were in...

Oh how he regretted not taking a bath last night after their intercourse and then putting on some pajamas...

He begun to fidget around from the shock!

"What should I do!?" He said in a low voice.

Said low voice though was heard by the worried sister outside.

"Ehm...are you awake?" Yuuki said in a normal tone.

"Eh! Uum! Yes!" Slaine said as he tried hard to untangle his legs and get up.

"Is Inaho there with you? He isn't on his bed and..."

"Y-yes! He is here! H-he is sleeping though...? Wait he is still sleeping despite the sound?"

Yes indeed Inaho was sleeping despite all the mess Slaine was making trying to put on some clothes.

"Oh I see. You are dressed then, right? Can I come in? I will take him to his room."

"Ah! W-"

Before Slaine managed to say even a word more, Yuuki was turning the door knob...

"Ah it's locked... Can you unlock it..?"

Slaine let out a sigh of relief... For this only he should thank Inaho for locking the door...

"Ah yes. Wait a minute!"

Slaine running out of options decided to dress Inaho up. Now that was super hard and it made a lot of noise but he managed to dress him up somehow... Too sloppily but that could be explained because he was sleeping.

Eventually that 1 minute turned to 10 whole minutes. Yuuki knocked again.

"Ehm... Did you fall asleep?"

Slaine this time opened the door.

"S-sorry for that! I-Inaho was the one who locked and I didn't know where he had put the key...."

"Oh I see. Ah he is really sleeping."

"I admire his sleeping power..."

"Same here..."

Yuuki chuckled.

"Ehm... I don't think you need to get him to his room... It's almost morning anyway and I am totally awake now too so just let him sleep here?"

"Ah... I guess that's logical... Okay then... I am gonna go lie down a bit. I doubt I will sleep but might as well rest my body. What are you gonna do?"

"I-I am gonna take a bath... Inaho was being, uum... clingy yesterday night and he wouldn't let me take a bath. So if you will excuse me..."

And they parted ways...

Oblivious to all though was the fact that Inaho had been awake the entire time! Grinning teasingly after everyone disappeared from the room...

The teasing wouldn't stop there though, he thought as he got up...

To be continued...
This story is running out of control too... WHERE'S MY BLANK FACE!?

Anyway belated Merry Christmas and advance Happy New Year!!

See ya next month/year~

Inaho x Slaine (Life goes on)Where stories live. Discover now